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The girl stared out the window hoping to see the long red hair of her best friend. She checked her watch for the billionth time that day and it still read 10:07, she was seven minutes late. She's never been late before, she doesn't know whether to worry or be patient.
Finally she heard the door slam shut and keys being set on the table. She was so busy checking her watch she missed the red-haired girl walk up the stairs. "Sorry I'm late, the train was late." "Don't worry about it, I left your copy of the book on your bed and dinner is on the table as usual."
She was as energetic as you'd imagine a red-haired person ought to be and hummed and danced along to whatever song was playing on the radio as she cleaned up after eating. "Do you want tea?" she asked the quieter woman after she realized she's only spoken to her once since she came back from work. "No thank you, I should get to bed, my parents are coming tomorrow and I need to wake up early to clean the house." As she got up from the chair for the first time that evening, her taller friend dropped the plate she was washing with a loud CLASH, "Your PARENTS?" The shorter girl blinked, not understanding the issue, "I mentioned this last week, no?" "No! I would have remembered!!" "Sorry I guess I forgot, what's the big deal?" "I've never met your parents before, what if they don't like me?" At that the shorter girl smiled and while cupping the face of her taller and more animated half said, "Don't worry, my parents always warm up to wherever I put my heart" before kissing her forehead.

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