Life With The Jack's.

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Well today is the day I finally get to meet the new family. Yay me! (note the sarcasm), its also the last day I will ever see my house and all my friends. Once I brought all my bags and put them in the car and when the movers placed the boxes in the truck we were on our way to Omaha, Nebraska.

Well since we arent going to get there soon I took my Ipod out and put my earbuds on, falling asleep few seconds after.

Rewind back to a year a half~

"Erika! Can you come down stairs for a second. Theres someone I want to present to you", my mom yelled

As I was walking down the steps I could see a tall handsome, but of course my mom's age, guy. Mhm I wonder if he has a son that's as good looking as hi... No stop it get your mind out of the gutter Erika for gosh sakes.

Once I was finally down, I went to them. My mother then smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen her have on and face and plus she looked alittle too close to this pretty stranger (yes I called him pretty, how a problem with that?) . And that's when I knew it wasn't good.

End of flashback~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2014 ⏰

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