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" Why! why why why?!!" she shouted at him.

"Of all the zillions and more women that you could have picked and without any or little resistance you chose me, me! And for what? Are you a sicko who enjoys taking women forcefully against their wishes huh... tell me cuz I definitely don't understand your infatuation with me. I loath you, I hate you and I definitely cannot stand you. Your mere presence disgusts me to no end!! Just let me go am begging you"

The last part was uttered in tears. She was desperate, trying every and all means just to see if he'd relent. Looking at his stoic expression, she realised that nothing would faze the heartless creature in front of her. His expression said it all.

Dark brows were raised high over narrowed sea green eyes that were covered by wisps of his whitish-blond twists that had escaped its clasps- the only evidence of their resent scuffle, otherwise, the monster seemed unfazed.

His lips raised slightly in a snare. His tall, not too broad frame stiff and radiating irritation and boredom.

Looking at his stance, she could almost read his mind, as if he were saying, 'when you're done with your theatrics let me know'.

She had had enough, she couldn't stand it any longer.

Like an enraged tigreess, she shot from her kneeling position and tried attacking him once more- she tried, but he simply caught her and held her firmly to his powerful body.

She was trapped and as always no matter how much she struggled, he'd always win, he'd always overcome her. He was stronger and he made sure she was aware of who had the upper hand every single time. Hands behind her back and chin tightly held, forcing her to look him in the eyes, her captor growled. 

"Stop fighting and accept that you are no longer of your own volition. Accept your fate now and things would be more easier, defy me continuously and face the consequences "

Her temper flared and she kicked him in the shins "I am my own person and belong to no one!  You have no right to impose your wishes on me, you monster, poor excuse for a human!!" she yelled in his face with a satisfied smirk at his slight groan of pain

But that did not last. His face became as dark, a raging sea.

Oh my Allah! She thought.

He shook her so bad her teeth were chattering. "One way or another you shall accept your fate and I promise you you would come to love it, desire it and live for it!" He shouted angrily as he shook her. Before she could fully recover, the world tilted as he flung her over his shoulder, a sack of potatoes.

She flaide, hitting and pulling at  his clothes and shouting his ears off -but no amount of hair pulling and verbal abuses paused his progress.

The last thing she hared before the dark room was a terse "Be quiet woman!" by her captor.

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