Meeting Team 10

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Chapter: Meeting Team 10
K: Ok so is the day that i meet Team 10 so nervous yet excited!
*U got to the house ans knock on the door*knock knock*
J: Hello
K: Hi Jake im Katie the girl trying out for Team Team 10
J: oh right come on in Katie *he yells* Team 10 come down here for a moment!
T: What happened Jake
J: Hey Tessa this is Katie thr girl trying out for Team 10
T: ohh hi good luck and it would be awesome if u joined our Team!
E: Hi ur Katie right i was hearing from upstairs hope u join see ya latee
K: hi and thx
* Then u see Ivan waking down the stairs and u immediately start blushing and smiling* (Katie's end of pov)
(Ivan's pov) *Omg who is she, she is gorgeous*
I: Hi Katie im Ivan Martinez
K: Hi Ivan im Katie
I: Hi well cya later gtg shoot a video
E: Hey whats going on here?
J: Emilio this is Katie the girl trying out for Team 10
E: Oh nice we do need more girls around here well gtg shoot a video so cya around
K: Thx and byee
A: Hi katie im Anthony hope u make it!!
K: Hi Anthony
C: Hi im Chance yea hope u become part of team 10 its litt here!!
K: thanks guys i hope so to!! Cya around
J: ok so to be part of team 10 u have to take risk 
K: ok im down
J:ok wow ur so excited for trying this out
K: Well u said i have to take risk well im ready
J: ok well here is ur first challenge...?
(End of Chapter 1)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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