Chapter 10: Heroes

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Omega, Annette and Ultra went through the portal and made it into the city. It seemed like a normal night, as few people strolled along the streets, and the three looked around. 

Omega: "It's the human world."

Annette: "Why would Beta take us here?"

Beta: "To allow you to see the future and what is to come."

Beta stood above the three, as they noticed his arm, wounded. 

Ultra: "Did he injure himself on the way here?"

Omega: "Is that actual blood, coming from his hand?"

Annette: "It is possible he's a human."

Omega: "Wait, but is he going to make us fight him, in public??"

Ultra: "We can't allow that. There is a park over there, if he attacks-"

Annette: "Ultra!"

Beta shot down a laser and Omega held up his sword and blocked the attack. 

Omega: "GO!"

The three ran away from the portal and to the park, as Beta leaped off the buildings, going after them. They went to the hills and Annette held out her bow, waiting for Beta. As soon as his helmet showed, she released five arrows, with only one of them hitting his armor. 

Beta: "Gah."

Annette: "His armor is weaker than usual.. What did he do?"

Omega: "It doesn't matter. He is vulnerable now, more than ever. We can stop him once and for all."

Ultra: "Omega and I will take the front lines. What ever opening you see, Annette,"

Annette: "Take the shot. Got it."

Omega and Ultra shook hands and took out their swords. Omega flashed towards Beta and shot a bolt, into his mask. He fell off balance and Ultra came over, slashing his sword down onto the enemy. Beta held up his arm and the blade slid off. He summoned his Dark Sword and launched himself towards Omega. The Lightning Blade and Dark Sword bashed against each other, but Omega felt Beta, going easy. Omega pushed him off and kicked him back. Beta began breathing heavily and holding onto his right arm. 

Omega: "Annette. Blind him."

Annette took out a single arrow with a black end point. Omega nodded towards Ultra and he ran close. Ultra jumped out and held his sword high. Beta pushed him away and Annette took the shot. The arrow pierced through Beta's mask and stabbed his eye. 

Beta: "AGH!"

Omega: "GOT HIM NOW!"

Omega swooped under Beta and summoned his sword, over the two. The Lightning bolt clashed with Beta and Omega. Omega fell over the hill and Annette and Ultra ran to his aid. 

Ultra: "Dammit.."

Beta held his left hand, in the air, wielding the Lightning Blade. 

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