How injuries can lead to heart mending

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Fandom: Harry Potter

Time: Post – War

Pairing / Ship: Harry Potter x Draco Malfoy / Drarry

Age limit: K+

Epilogue compliant

Prequel of “And finally… Happiness”


Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

Two that opted to go completely different ways.

They meet again when Harry was injured gravely in a fight.

Healer Malfoy seems to be his last hope.


“Get him in there!” a deep voice shouted as the door to the small hospital opened with a quiet creak.

Draco, a young man in his twenties, turned around and saw three men, Aurors. Two of them were carrying the third that lay limp in their arms.

The blond immediately rushed over to them to examine what had happened and when he saw the familiar faces of Ronald Weasley and Dean Thomas, he looked down at the man in their arms, immediately recognizing him by the tousled, dark mob of hair.

Harry Potter.

“Bring him into the room in the back” he said and the two Aurors complied without saying a word even though Ron didn’t look too happy about it.

Draco went over to the waiting room and shot the few persons who were sitting in it a charming smile.

“I am sorry, though an absolute emergency arrived just now. I hope that you are willing to wait a bit longer, otherwise there will of course be reschedules.”

An old lady reassured him that they all of course would wait and that he shouldn’t worry about it, which the other patients agreed to.

With a soft smile and a nod, the blond then rushed to get into the room to which Harry had been brought.

He carefully began undressing the dark haired wizard while asking Dean “What happened and which curses hit him?”

If the male was surprised by Draco’s calmness and his professionalism, he didn’t show it and wanted to answer, when the Ron glared at the blond and asked “Why are you being nice, Malfoy? Why would we trust you with Harry? You hate him!”

The Malfoy heir didn’t even looked up from his patient, instead simply casting a diagnosing spell to know trivial things such as height, weight and blood type as he said “Mr. Weasley, I do think that you are standing in my clinic which gives you no right to act as you do. Some of us have moved on after what have happened and changed.”

He wrote down what the spell had showed him and casted a few other spells to get Harry’s blood pressure and pulse.

He then continued talking “As you might have seen, this is a hospital for not only Wizards but also Muggles, so I would suggest you to think before you talk.”

More was written down by him as he shortly looked up at Dean “Mr. Thomas, report” he simply said and the dark skinned male nodded.

“Ex – Deatheaters attacked him as he was alone and he managed to call us for help though as we got there he had already been hit by a few spells, I don’t know which though”

How injuries can lead to heart mending - DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now