Thoughts of Irrelevance & Things of Significance

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I won't start this off by saying hello. Greetings are for people who can't think of anything signifigant to say. I won't bother you with who I am, because that hardly matters. I will tell you that I'm sitting on a trampoline, but the rest is up to your deliciously large imagination.

In the beginning (of what, you might ask, but that isn't important), I was planning to fill this page with meaningless words and pointless punctuation marks. My mind was blank, empty; metaphorically an endless void of nothingness.

Then, either by coincidence or fate, I witnessed a curious thing.

Out of seemingly nowhere, a spider blew onto my unfilled page. To put it bluntly, it scared the crap out of me. Then I decided to follow it.

Suddenly the mysterious arachnid flipped on it's backside and began to twitch. At first my logical and nonsensical mind assumed it was playing dead. But when I prodded it with a blade of grass, it remained stock still. The 'playing dead' theory caused me to consider the intelligence of organisms other than homospapiens. Am I beginning to sound scientific? Believe me, that wasn't my intention.

When the spider finally died is when I sat back down to consider. Consider what? 'The deeper meaning of life'. Oh, life, what a wordlwide and ever-discussed topic. Four simple letters that hold such vastness when arranged in the correct way.

What is life? Who am I, or you, to possess such a thing? And what about when it's over? The end, la fini, done? Leave behind all your beliefs and religious viewpoints and ask yourself these questions. Does death intrigue you as it does me? Does destiny or fate determine when we pass, or is it completely random? All those car crashes, house fires, lighting incidents. Was it really their time, or did they just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

What about suicide? Did fate decide to put those self-hating thoughts into their heads, because their time had come and they needed some way, any way, to go?

This isn't a diary entry; but simply a collection of pages. Pages that I chose to use as a bucket to catch all the peculiar thoughts that my mind vomits out.

Did reading this make you think? Did it fascinate you, can you relate to it? Was it utter foolishness? Or did it make you feel nothing, just empty inside? But that's irrelevant.

I could write something genius right here, something revolutionary to change your worldview forever, but I don't have the power to do that. That's up to you. Who knows why, or when, or where? Who cares? I don't, and neither should you. Do whatever, be whoever. Smile. Or don't. Cry and let your tears wash away your worries.

But does it-no, it doesn't matter. We ask too many questions. All of us; no one is the exception.

So...we're left with unanswered questions; equations without solutions. Let it be, change it. Follow the path your heart has paved, or don't. It doesn't matter, know why?

I sure as hell don't.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2016 ⏰

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