A Spur of the Moment Times Infinity

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"Clarissa Kaia Austin! Get out here now or we're gonna be late!"

"One minute momma!" I hear Kaia yell from her room.

Today is Kaia's first day of seventh grade and middle school. She has been preparing for this day since the day she started first grade. She told me that she was going to be a grownup by the time she reached middle school cause she was going to be the tallest in her class and according to her, once you're tall, you're all grown up. I wish it was only that easy.

"Kaia! I am leaving with or without you!" I yell out as I grab my backpack and hers.

I hear her door open as I grab my phone from it's charger and jam it into my back pocket. Kaia walks down the hall and towards me carefully. I let her choose her outfit today because she was now a "big girl". She has on a black t-shirt that says MTV on it, which she wouldn't know existed unless I told her about it. Her jeans are faded with a hole on one knee and she has her bright, red converse on.

"You look beautiful, honey," I say to her as I give her a big hug.

"Will everyone make fun of me?" She asks, brushing a piece of her long, dirty blonde hair behind her ear. Her mascara was put on lightly and she has a little bit of lip gloss on.

"No, and if they do, I'll kick their ass okay?" I tell her and we both laugh.

"Okay, momma," She says laughing. I hand her backpack and she slings it over her shoulders. "Can I have my ladybug?"

I look around the counter, through dirty dishes and magazines, knocking over a plant that Kaia gave me on Mother's day which I'm surprised is still alive. I swear under my breath and stand it back up, putting some of the dirt back in the pot. I look around the outlet and see that it isn't charging in the wall. I purse my lips as I continue to search through the kitchen.

"Momma?" Kaia asks.

"What?" I ask a little short. Kaia points to the living room coffee table and I see her ladybug sitting next to the remotes.

"Thank you, honey. I must've left it there after last night," I say, quickly running over to the coffee table and grabbing the ladybug phone. I hand the phone to Kaia and she puts it in her back pocket.

I check all my pockets to make sure I have my phone, keys, wallet, and my backpack.

"Okay, let's go," I say, checking Kaia too and then pushing her out the door. I close the door and make sure it's locked when it clicks.

Kaia and I run down the hallway to the elevator and I'm about to push the button when I remember that Kaia likes to be the one to do it. I pull my hand away and let Kaia push the down button. She smiles as she does it and makes fun of me for not getting to it before her. I laugh with her and wait for the elevator.

After what seems like years, the elevator arrives and we climb in along with several other individuals in the small elevator. The elevator was out of service for years and now that it's new and fixed, everyone uses it. Clara grabs my hand as we get into the elevator, holding tightly and standing close so she won't be engulfed in the crowd. We watch the numbers light up and go as we descend to the lobby.


The elevator only stops once before we reach the main level. Everyone pushes out once the doors open. We walk towards the front doors and push out those too.

The fresh, morning air rushes at us as we make our way to the bus stop. It's cool enough that a jacket would be needed but once that sun is up and high, it gets warm real quick. I look to Kaia who is bursting with excitement and nervousness at the same time. I laugh in the inside as we approach the bus stop, the bus a minute away.

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