The Players

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Thalia POV
I enter the school,second day, and i see a bunch of boys and as I walk past one tries to touch me and I hit them and say "Piss Off!" And walk off when I hear Eldon talking to them and being annoyed then he runs up to me and I say "Hey Eld" and he says "Hey Thal those are the players of the school don't go near them." And I look up and see James in that group "Why is James hanging with them?" And he says "I don't know but they say you have to be a player to hang with them" and I look at him and they are daring him to make out with 3 girls and I pull him away and say "JAMES what are you doing?" And he says "Hanging with them got a problem?" And I nearly shout "YES" and he looks down at me "What did you just say" and I say "I said I have a problem with you hanging with those seniors of jerks" and he puts up his fist and say "Take it back!" And I say "NOPE!" And he runs after me and I shove my bag into Eldons chest and run away. I run in a circle around and James lost me heh heh😏 I take my bag back from Eldon and we head to class.
(~End Of The Day~)
Thalia POV
My parents are still outta town as so my siblings so I stay round Eldons again cause his parents work with mine and shit. I walk into his house and it all comes back.The song "The Feeling" plays and he throws on a long sleeve grey shirt.I forgot we have a dance show...we run to the studio with our bags and stuff and we are already in our dance clothes for our performance.We get aboard the tour bus along with The others and James glares at me but we get on anyway and off we go!
(-In Ontario-)
Eldon POV
We get off the bus and it's time to shine!

After our dance the light dies down and we can go! We did the last dance so it's our time to relax and we get back on the bus and go back to my house.We get back and we move closer and she leans up lightly kissing me. She is so determined to kiss me😅 We both lie on the sofa next to each other and slowly fall asleep next to each other.

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