The Beggining

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Darla had set out on a journey the night before her brother had died in a car accident. Her journey was to find a potion to make all mankind invincible, but she was to late to make her brother invincible.

                   12:36 a.m. somewhere in Russia

Darla was still awake fearing if she went to sleep she might not wake up. The potion she is looking for is in a forbidden cave on the border of Russia and the ocean. That potion would change her life and her family's forever.

Darla waited shivering under the washed out roots of an old oak tree in the forest about thirty miles south of her house. The only tools or food she had was an old pick axe her dad gave her and some freeze dried grapes. If she was brave enough she could eat or drink some snow, but the year before the government had sent out peacekeepers to put poison on the ground to keep the population of animals down. If she were to eat the snow, she could get sick and die.

After a long cold night Darla somehow managed to wake up alive. She accidentally fell asleep the night before.

Darla set out for another day of long agonizing walking.

She didn't really have a breakfast but she did have the last grape, now she had no food whatsoever. On her way through her journey she found and old run down moonshine shack which probably wasn't a good sign. She decided to go in any way. When she went in she found four gallons of water, and six crates of cherries. She twisted off the cap of one of the gallons and immediately realised it was NOT water, it was moonshine. She didn't even bother to try it, instead she just threw it on the ground and walked away from it.

Darla continued her journey and it was now around 3:00 p.m. Darla inhaled one crate of cherries and was left with five crates. She now had at least something in her stomach. Darla had at this time wandered on to a corn field and picked some ears.

"Hey what are you doing, this is private property, now get off!" yelled an angry farmer

On instinct from running from the peacekeepers, Darla darted. She didn't drop the ears she kept them and that night she had raw hard corn. Darla had found an old beat up truck as if it was in a derby, to sleep in.

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