Sufferings- Shot 1

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Hey!This is mars with short story on swasan.Hope so u will like it.
SUFFERINGS(swasan ts)
Sanskar maheshwari: 28 years old builder by profession. He is very proudy and arrogant. He follows his mother blindly.He considers his wife as his property and always dominate her.
Swara sanskar maheshwari: 26 years old. She is simple, beautiful and innocent girl. She loves her father alot.
She is hell afraid from her husband sanskar and mil sujata. She never complains and do what ever they say.
Sujata maheshwari: Sanskar's mother.she is very cunning lady and always ill treat swara.
Ram is no more.
Shekar gododia:swara's father loves her a lot.he is retired govt. Employee and he get enough pension for his survival. He misses his wife shomi a lot who is no more.he is satisfied with his life but is unaware of his daughter's sufferings.

Kamla: 30 years old lady and she is shekar's caretaker since Swara is married. She is kind natured Lady. Her husband died one year back in accident and she has 4 months old daughter Avni. She lives in gododia house only. Shekar considers her as his daughter a and swara considers her as her elder sister.
Swasan are married since 3 years but are still childless.They tried alot to have child but failed. Actually it was not that Swara can't conceive but the problem was with sanskar as he can' t be father but this thing only swasan and sujata knew whereas in society they had told that swara can't be mother to save their reputation and they always blame her and swara does not say anything and listen all taunts.
Swara belong to middle class family and sanakar is rich enough that is why he consider her inferior. Let's see that swara will suffer silently or she will take stand for herself.

Maheshwari house (morning)
Swasan room
Sanskar is getting ready for office and Swara as an ideal wife was giving him needed things. she wants to ask something from sanskar but she don't know how to start whereas sanskar observed this so he said
Sanskar: u want to say something?
Swara: ha wow act...ually
Sanskar (angrily): speak up damm it I don't have whole day.
Swara got afraid but still gained courage and spoke
Swara: may i go to meet baba he is not fine.?
Sanskar: Go wherever u want to go but when I m in office and when I m at home u should be in front of me other wise u know ,got it.
Swara just nodded. Sanskar was about to leave the room when swara called him

Swara: listen plz u also come baba wants to meet you.
Sanskar stopped and turned
Sanskar: I don't have Time for all this stupid things.
Saying this he left and swara stood sad as shekar specially said to bring sanskar as its almost 2 years since Sanskar had visited his in laws.
Swara completed her household work and left to gododia house.
Gododia house:
Swara reached there and rang the doorbell .a lady opened the door .she is kamla.
Swara:(hugging her) hi di how r u?
Kamla: I m fine swara u tell
Swara: I m also good.
Both came inside. Swara saw a baby in the cradle and she went to baby
Swara(picking up baby): how is my avni become big girl.(giggles).
Avni laughed and shouted happily.
Shekar guesses that Swara came bcoz avni shouts only when swara is there.
Shekar(from room): kamla,swara came?
Swara listened her baba's voice and immediately ran to his room giving avni to kamla
Swara(hugging him): how r u baba why don't u take care of yourself see u again got fever.
Shekar: I m fine beta and I take care of my self.
Kamla(coming with avni): he is lying swara he didn't eat meal on time and always make excuses.
Swara looked at him angrily.
Shekar: cool down dear I promise I will take care of myself.
Swara: u better.
Kamla gigglles.
Kamla: u sit I will bring tea for you.
Swara: give avni to me di.
Kamla gave avni to swara and left and swara started playing with avni when shekar asked
Shekar: Sanskar didn't came?
Swara's smiling face changed to sad one but she recovered and said
Swara: he is busy baba u know office work.
Shekar:hmm everything is fine between u two.
Swara:(quickly): yes baba no need to Worry.
Shekar(smiles): OK
Then kamla came with tea and all start talking it and spend quality time with each other.
It was then clock stuck 5pm
Swara( thinks): its 5 pm sanskar will come at 6 so I should leave so that I reach before he comes.
Swara: baba I should leave now.
Shekar (sad): so soon I thought u will stay for few days.
Swara: Baba I told Sanskar that I will come.Next time I will stay for long time.
Shekar got disappointed and sad
Shekar: ok but stay for an hour only more.
Kamla: yes Swara.
Swara can't see her baba sad so she accepted.
Then swara played with avni and talked to kamla and shekar.Time flew very quickly and she didn't realized that it was 6:30pm now.when she saw time a shiver went through her body remembering sanskar's warning.
Swara: baba I think I should leave now as its already late.
Shekae(unwillingly): ok
Swara hugged shekar and kamla and kissed avni's cheeks and left.
Swara took the taxi and leave to her house.
Swara:(monologue): sanskae must have reached and will be very angry.
Maheshwari house
Swara reached and entered inside where she met angry sujata
Sujata:oh so madam is here(taunts her)where were u?
Swara(afraid): I went to meet baba.
Sujata: then is this the time to come.don't u know your husband will be at home and u should be there for him .
Swara:wo baba....
Sujata(cut her): don't tell me, give this excuse to sanskar he is very angry.
Swara went to her room but she don't knew how to enter but she can't stand there only so preparing herself to face him he entered inside and saw sanskar standing near the window and smoking. She went to him.
Sanskar: u r late.
Swara: baba wants..
Sanskar(turns and throw half burned cigarette on the floor):I didn't ask any explanation.
Sanskar moved towards her and she moved back until she collided with bed and fell on it.sanskar came on her top and said.
Sanskar(whispered in her ear): u deserve punishment right.
Swara knew now no one can save her but still she tried.
Swara(stammer): I m so..sorry
Sanskar:u very well knew swara how much I accept your sorry. Don't u?(he said still lying on her).
Swara closed her teared filled eyes tightly as her last attempt also failed. Sanskar move his hand on her half bare back and opened the knot of her blouse. Sweat had already formed on swara's forehead, how badly she wants to stop this.Then sanskar removed her blouse from one shoulder but before he could proceed his phone rings. He looked at Id and it was his clients call so he went to balcony to attend it.
As soon as he left Swara signed in relieve.she got up and set her Saree. Then she heard sujata calling her so she went downstairs.
Sujata: hey u make dinner. U enjoyed enough today.
Swara silently went to kitchen and prepared dinner.
Later all had their dinner .
Swasan room
Swara came after washing utensils. She saw Sanskar busy on call. She went and take blanket and pillow from cupboard. When she turned she saw sanskar standing in front of her with a smirk on his face.
Sanskar:what u thought ,u escaped.
Swara nodded no.
He came closer to her.
Sanskar: where u r going to sleep?
Swara: floor(looking down).
Sanskar : no but there(pointed to bed).
Sanskar moves his hand on her bare belly.Blanket and pillow fell from her hand bcoz of his proximity.
Swara knew what is coming for her.He only allow her to sleep on bed when he have to satisfy himself otherwise she sleeps on floor. He never loved her but just want her to satisfy himself. No doubt he is her husband but she never had pleasure with him but only pain. She knew this night is not going to be easy for her.
Swara's thoughts broke when he realised sanskar lifted her in his arms. He put her roughly on bed and came on top of her. He kissed her hardly on lips. How much she wants this night to end soon but who listens to her.She accepted all this as her fate .
Next day:
As it was Sunday Sanskar was also at home. He was working on his laptop in hall.then sujata came down and shouted Swara's name. She came running from kitchen .
Sujata:eh Swara come here.
Swara: Ji mom
Sujata: my friends are coming prepare lunch for them.
Swara:ok. She was about to go
When sujata called her
Sujata:listen no need to open your mouth in front of them.
Swara nodded and left to kitchen.
Sujata's friends came.all are of her age.sanskar took their blessing and got sitted on couch in hall.
Swara came with juice and wished them.
Later all had lunch and then sitted in hall
Sanskar was also present in hall and swara was standing near one sofa looking down.
Lady 1: I must say sujata your dil have good cooking skills that's why lunch was very tasty.
Sujata(smiles): yes she make all dishes very tasty.
Lady 2: yes but there is only one problem with her that she can't give heir to this house.
Sujata: yes we tried many treatments also but she can't be mother then what can we do.
Sanskar was listening silently.
Swara's eyes got filled with tears bcoz she is blamed wrongly. But she didn't said anything.
Lady 1: why don't u try with other girl sanskar beta.
Swara got numb listening this and was feeling disgusting how easily she said.
Sujata:(covers): no no my son loves her a lot so he can't think of any other girl.
Sanskar smiled at swara but she was feeling suffocated there.
Later ladies left.
Swara ran to her room and cried her heart out trying to wipe away her pain and sufferings.

Swara was sleeping on floor and sanskar was on bed then only swara's phone rings. She jerked and immediately took the call before sanskar wake up.she went to balcony.
Swara: hello
Shekar: swara beta plz come to xyz hospital.
Swara(worried): why what happened baba u are fine na.
Shekar: I m fine but kamla got heart attack plz u are needed here.
Swara got shocked.
Swara: I m coming baba.
Swara cutted the call and came inside the room and saw sanskar sleeping.she was hesitant to wake him up but she have to inform him.
Swara(jerked him slightly): Sanskar.
Sanskar (opened his eyes): what u want?
Swara: kamla di got heart attack we need to go to hospital.
Sanskar: I m not going anywhere u get lost if u want.
He again slept.
Swara knew it will be her foolishness if she ask him she decided to go alone.
She took some money and came down.
To be continued....
Precap: kamla died.swara decided to adopt Avni. How will sanskar and sujata react?
Finally done with first shot.
Plz tell me whether I should write further or not.
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Thank you
Take care

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