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Text copyright © ShenayaLee ™ 2017-

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the pictures used in this book unless stated otherwise, also, any resemblance of people from this book is purely coincidental.


The massive ballroom was awash in colour with the many men and women in their designer dresses and expensive suits. Their extravagant display of jewelry glittered like the stars in the milky way. The clinking of glasses and the cloying smell of expensive perfume filled the room like a drug.

Dominic Steele leaned back in his chair as he watched the crowd jostle about. He would rather be anywhere but here. He tipped the last swig of brandy down his throat and relished the burn it created as he was forced to endure the even greater pain of what was supposed to be an exclusive charity event.

The King and Queen glided gracefully on the dancefloor. Oh, how he hated that woman.

He still couldn't believe that his father believed that his biological mother could be replaced with that piece of trash. All she wanted from him was his money, he thought bitterly. Still, he endured it, because it put a smile on his father's face.

The thought of his mother brought a lump to his throat. Her death was not an accident. He would find the person responsible and would not rest until his mother was avenged. He wouldn't be so easily swayed as his father was.

A long, lean blonde haired woman waved to him from across the room. She wore a turquoise dress that hugged her body tightly, making him picture her more as a feisty club woman than an actual princess. But that was Liliana Rhix for you. He wouldn't go so far as to call her his "best friend..." perhaps... "the only one tolerable" would be better suited.

The neighboring Kindgom of Xandar had known the Steeles' for years, and that was how Dominic and Liliana were acquainted. The pressures of being born into a royal family was what drew them close together. They called each other by their informal names, Lily and Dom, when they were alone, but knew better than to do so in front of their families or the royal council. Then, they were referred to as Prince Dominic Vinchenzo Steele of Azgard, and Princess Liliana Rhix of Xandar. Ah, how he missed the carefree days.

"Come on Dominic, lets dance!" Lily snatched the bottle from his hand and placed it onto a nearby table. She grabbed his hands and pulled him up. He groaned audibly and tried to slump back into his thronelike chair but he failed miserably. Gosh, this woman had more strength than he originally thought.

She dragged him out onto the crowded ballroom floor and placed him right in front of one of her lady friends before she trotted off with some other Arabian man. This one, being a cliché woman with all the other forty seven this room, wore a blood red dress and batted her eyelashes up at him seductively. He was so not up for this. She grabbed his arms whilst he frustratingly disentangled them from hers as quickly as possible before he vanished off into the direction of his quarters, the escape from most of his troubles these days. He didn't even look back at her or what he assumed to be her disappointed face. Once he reached his quarters he slammed the door behind him and exhaled heavily, slumping to the floor.

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