Prologue (read first)

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For basically his whole life, Fan had been somewhat of a social outcast. He saw the world in a way foreign to most he met- everything has a reason, everything has a consequence - the world is not as beautiful a place as it is made out to be.

He was never bothered by this. Fan was perfectly happy being different, even if it meant he was dropped to the sidelines more than anybody else in his life.

That mentality was erased when he was invited on to season 2 of Inanimate Insanity. He was now more desperate to make his mark than ever- and what  better place to start?

Fan let out a heavy breath and dropped his suitcase next to a river. He looked into the reflective surface and examined himself. Same round face, now dirty from the long hike to camp. His red hair stuck up in weird positions but was decent judging by the circumstances.

Fan found himself grinning after picking up his suitcase and entering the campsite for the game show.

When scrolling through his phone, he had stumbled upon an ad for a reality show, 'Inanimate Insanity'. Contestants teamed up and faced off in various challenges in order to win a grand prize. Now that he was here, he couldn't believe it.

The hype was real- he'd finally make some friends, better yet, a million bucks, and even better yet- be famous! Fan wasn't sure whether or not the concept seemed beautiful, or the campsite itself.

Tall pine trees surrounded a field. To one side was a dorm room, decked in yellow, and to the other, one decked in green.

There was a wooden platform leading off into a large lake towards the back of camp. Behind it, in the distance, was a decaying mansion.

'What a beauty.' he thought.

He was pulled out of his mind when an adult, only slightly taller than him, held his shoulder a little too firmly.
"Hiya!" The stranger grinned through yellowing teeth, a heavy and slightly goofy British accent strong in his voice.

"Uhh.." Fan struggled to pull together a proper sentence. "....Um. Hey."


"Howsit goin' happy camper?! I'm Toilet, 'ya camp assistant! This is MePad! assistant!" Toilet pointed behind him with what seemed like a hint of hesitance.

Fan looked to where he motioned. He almost did a double take when seeing MePad- he was incredibly tall, well-built and had a mask covering his mouth.

"Hello, you must be Fan. Please excuse Toilet here, we're very happy to have you!" The tall man spoke with a smile in his voice- not that Fan could see it. "I do hope that you have a happy and safe experience."

Toilet fussed with a clipboard, dropping papers in the process.
"Um...D'yaknow what team he's in, MePad?"
"Bright Lights."

Toilet's face creased with astonishment. "Yeah...whateva'."

After a few more minutes of bickering and confusion, Fan was free to go.

'Team 'Bright Lights', huh?'

With an inward shrug, he approached the dorm room. His hand brushed against the newly-shined doorknob. The redhead almost felt electricity surge from the metal to his body- though it was most likely excitement.

Fan turned the doorknob slowly until it clicked.

'Here goes nothing.' He thought.

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