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So not sure how I'm supposed to do this because I've never done a contest before. But the way I did it was i made it a summary of one of the ideas I have for this book by rinymichelle321 so here it goes.

Everyone was making final preparations for the wedding. After everything was settled, the girls and boys went there separate ways to have fun. While the girls are having fun, they have a run in with Steven. He tries to get Pipa, obviously drunk, but the girls see this and help Pipa. A little shaken, the girls decide to go to Renee's home, since the bride can't be seen by the groom, and chill and let the nerves rise as the wedding comes into action. The next morning everyone is getting ready and heads to the church. As Pipa was walking down the isle, she noticed her mom in the audience and got even happier. The wedding went according to plan and the reception went even better. Lin did his mash up of Hamilton songs (I could help out if you want) and Pipa loved it.

I have some more ideas but this was one that I thought would be good since the wedding is so close. Dm me if you need any more details
-Squishy Turtle

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