Hi my name is baby I have been under ground for years and don't know how I got here. I used to put on shows for kids. And for some reason i would count how many kids were in the room I always knew. Their was 4 than 5 then 2 then 0. They where in groups of 2 or 3 and play games. Then more kids 8 then 3 than 5 then 2. Did you know that I can make ice cream 🍦. I only did it once. Kids came in 7 than 3 then 1. The one girl asked for ice cream ,suddenly ice cream came out of my stomach and when she went to grab the ice cream, my body grabbed her. My stomach area was blody and tryed to hid it. I don't know why that happend. I just stay under ground with my friends funtime Freddy ,funtime foxy, and bollora. They are really fun to play with and they are great friends. I wish I could be alive and see the human world.