Just a Trip to the Store

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  • Dedicated to Tiffani

How in the world did I end up kissing Aaron Carpenter in the back of a movie theater?

"Pfft" I chuckled at the episode of Teen Wolf I was watching. I swear this was one of my favorite shows. How could you not like it?

"Tiffani!" my mom opened the door.

I turned my head to the door, "Yeah?"

"Go to the store and get some food for me" she stared at me looking back and forth at my laptop and my eyes now glued back on the screen in an obviously comfortable position.

"Now?" I questioned.

"Yes now" she closed my door, and I heard her add. "The list is on the fridge"

I closed my laptop reluctantly and slid off the bed in a sloppy demeanor. I walked over to my closet and picked out an oversized hoodie with a small logo on it, black skinny jeans, and toms. My purse was by the door and I quickly grabbed it while sliding my phone inside it.

My retreat outside was swift, and I opened the car door with the list in my hands. "Okay" I said holding up the list to read it as I stuck the key in the ignition. "Tomatoes, Cheese... Poptarts... Oh my gosh this list is so huge. It's going to be so much to carry"

The drive to the store was about 8 minutes so when I got to the store it only took me half an hour. The cash register was my first thought, but I still had time to check the book section. If they had some great new book I could read during class that would be awesome.

I pushed my shopping cart into the aisle and there was someone on the floor reading with their hoodie on.

"Um excuse me can I get to the shel- Aaron!" I half shouted when he looked up from his spot on the floor. "Uhhmmer what're you doing here" I awkwardly asked.

"Reading" he grinned.

"Oh reading right of course" I leaned on my cart briefly before almost falling on my face, stumbling a bit, and catching myself. The cart that I had caused to roll was slowing down halfway down the aisle. 

"What are you doing here?" he asked me and by now I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

"Shopping a bit" I clasped my hands together. "That's all really and then I just came to see if they have any good books"

"They have Divergent; have you seen the movie?"

"No, not yet I was going to go see it with some friends" I replied grabbing the book and reading the summary.

"Do you wanna go see it together"

"I feel like this is a question and answer session" I joked.

"The last one wasn't really a question because I was telling you to go with me" he stood up and dusted off the back of his pants. "Are you buying that?"

"I don't know" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can buy it, but just that. Everything else" he motioned to the groceries. "You can do that stuff"

"Okay, well thanks" I grabbed the cart, and he walked next to me.


A.N: Hey guys I really hoped you liked this chapter, but if you could please please vote and comment or even follow me that would make me really happy because my goal is to win a watty award one day.

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