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Aphmau was hanging out with Aaron as always they were just watching Midnight but then Katelyn Sama busted down the door and ran out the house with Aaron Kun on her back Aaron tried to stop it but Katelyn was stronger than the strongest man alive so Aaron had on chance of trying to break free "LET GO" yelled Aaron "NEVER MY SENPAI NEVERRRRRRRRRRR" yelled Katelyn like a crazy person. Meanwhile, at the house, Aphmau ran to the kitchen and grabbed the knife that she promised she would only use if someone tried to take her senpai this means Aphmau had turned into YANDERE CHAN. Aphmau ran out of the house with her hair tied up and she had her Yandere knife and chanclas strapped to her back. "IM COMING MY SENPAIIIIIIII" Aphmau yelled running out of the house. Katelyn duct tapped Aarons hands and feet together and she also duct taped his mouth shut then she carried him to her closet where she had a shrine of him like a band-aid with blood still on it, a pillow he laid his head on and posters everywhere of Aaron. Aphmau ran into the house and she yelled at Katelyn asking where he was. Katelyn didn't respond like the brat she is. Aphmau pushed Katelyn and ran to her closet where Aaron was hiding. Aphmau used her knife to set him free and she ran at Katelyn. Aphmau tripped and the knife magically flew out of her hand and hit Katelyn's foot and she passed out and a magical fairy named named Kawaii fairy magic popped into Katelyn's room she healed Katelyn and Kawaii Fairy time travelled to where everything was okay and then Katelyn came over and asked if she could have a poopsi and Aaron said yes and Katelyn grabbed one and came over to Aaron and whispered "you will be mine" and Aaron ran out of the house screaming like a little kid. THE END 

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