Seraphim x Beelzebub

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"Why would a seraphim be out here?" The beelzebub asked, seating himself across her in the swing set table.

"Are you the harbinger of death, beelzebub?" The seraphim asked, fearing not the beelzebub in front of her.

"No, that's my uncle. My question, seraphim." He leaned his body on the table as they swung with the wind.

"To die, maybe." She looked at the prince, straight and hard. "Do me the honor of granting my death, beelzebub. Call forth your uncle, honor me my death."

"I'm afraid that won't do, seraphim–"


"–Seraphine, my uncle's duty is to send one's soul to the underworld. Only the God above has the right to take a life, haven't they taught you that?"

"First of all, beelzebub–"

"Beelzebub Nicolas, at your service."

"–the God isn't the only one who can take lives but if any other being than him takes a life, it is considered a sin for they did not make those lives. Humans, angels, demons, you, me and even your father, Lucifer. Second, how weird that you're actually named Beelzebub."

"Father named me, I was quite surprised that you knew my name. Then again, it must be common. I mean, I'm the only beelzebub anyway. However, do elaborate, what might happen if my father takes an angel's life?"

"Then it's war, although I do think I'd just be sitting around and be locked up in my room when that time comes."

"Then my father would most probably make me lead his troops, such insanity of the world we live in."

"I like your name." She smiled at him, the harbinger of life.

"Such coincidence, so do I." He smiled back, the epitome of death.

They remained that way until she noticed the horizon behind him. She stood up and opened her grand six wings.

"What's wrong? Where are you going?" He panicked, afraid that he did something wrong.

"I have to go back home, it's late. My parents would be mad if they find out that I encountered a demon, a beelzebub no less."

"Will I see you again?"

"I don't know."

"Tomorrow, same time, same place."

"I'll try."

His breath hitched when she gracefully flew away from him, she looked so dazzling and celestial, naturally. He slumped back to his seat when he remembered what had happened, her sapphire orbs were glowing. Just what in the name of Lucifer is happening to him? He flew back home, only to be met by his father. Great, just great.

"Son, I have an important matter to talk to you. Follow me."

They were in his father's chamber, just beside the throne room.

"What is it that you want to discuss, father?" He was stern, as the demon king's son, it was practiced.

"Ah, it's about your status."

"My...status..? What about my status?"

"It's almost time for you to choose whether to advance your stature to a god of death or a ruler of the underworld. I'm just telling you this to have you choose a better one, the other choice would be for your brother. He'd take what you didn't. That is all, dismissed."

What pain, he forgot that his birthday was coming up. Oh, all the bothersome work that'll be shoved onto him. Ruling is a pain, too. While traveling from place to place just to take the souls to the underworld is also worse, and marriage. Let's not forget that with responsibility comes marriage, so many bothersome work.

Seraphim x Beelzebub Where stories live. Discover now