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Here I was, standing alone again in this small cramped dusty room. My previous roommate Rosa had been adopted by a lovely family living by the West Coast in a huge house, lucky. In the past year alone I've had roughly 17 different roommates, all under the age of 12. Families just don't seem interested in adopting a 17 year old girl, they feel as though they've missed half my life so why try and enter it now.
However, just last week there was a large group of men that came by to adopt one of us. We did the usual line up in singe file so that they can 'inspect' us or whatever but they never took anyone away with them, which just added to the weird. Why would a group of 7 young men want to adopt a child?
As I unpacked all my stuff from the last family I'd been at, but decided to dump me because I wouldn't 'open up' to them, I paused as I saw the baby rattle which came from my mother. Obviously I shouldn't care for it much, just like my mother never cared for me but I always felt a special connection to it which kept me grounded and feeling safe.
"Harper!" Mrs Neville, the owner of the children's home, shouted.
"Yes Mrs Neville?" I shouted back.
"Theres people here to see you!"
As I stood up to clear the dust from my clothes I had a confused look on my face, to see me? No one ever comes to see me?
I rushed down the stairs and entered the door of Mrs Neville's office, in front of me stood seven young men, all clearly from different backgrounds. Before I could say anything Mrs Neville ushered me to a chair to the side of her desk, in front of all seven men.
"Harper, do you remember these young men?" Mrs Neville placed a hand on my shoulder, attempting to make me feel more at ease with the situation. "I think so, you all came to visit about a week ago right?" I tilted my head.
"Yup, that's us!" Smiled the boy with blonde hair and slightly pale white skin.
"Well, Harper, these young men would love to adopt you!"
"Actually, technically it's Tommy thats adopting you, we're just friends here for moral support." A more mature looking man said, with dark tanned skin and a heart warming smile.
"Ah yes, which one of you is Thomas again sorry?" Mrs Neville scanned them all, trying to figure it out. She could be very forgetful at times due to her being like 1000.
"That'll be me." A tanned boy with longish curly hair tied in a man bun said.
"Nice to meet you." I smiled, shaking his hand. So this was going to be my new dad? Thomas. The man only looks about 4 years older than me and he's my dad? Oh well.
"Now Harper, they've offered to take you with them today if you wish, papers and everything are signed. We're just waiting for your word." Mrs Neville smiled at me.
"I'll go today." Finally I said, I never thought I'd utter those words again, not.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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