When We Make Love

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When we make love, I want you to show me what a man is made of.

I want you to take my hands and show me how rough and strong a man can be. Show me hands that will open doors to new possibilities, arms that will build our future together, and a strong beating heart that I know has the capacity to love. Show me eyes that see the beauty that I can't, and ears that listen and solve all of life's issues. Show me lips that speak wisdom, whisper encouragements and kiss away tears. I want you to show me a head that is clear of distractions, and grows in knowledge every day. Show me legs that stand strong and supportive, and feet that I can follow to the ends of the earth. And then, show me that a man is more than just the sum of all of his parts. Show me a man that can love a woman.

When we make love, I want to show you what a woman is made of.

I want to take your hands and show you how soft a woman can be. I want to show you how my softness was made to complement your roughness. I want to show you hands that will caress and hold yours, arms that will help you build our future together, and a heart that will continuously pour out love. I want to show you a head that loves to learn and thinks of those around it. Let me show you lips that speak encouragements, whisper wisdom, and kiss away tears. Let me show you cheeks that ache with smiles and laughter, and ears that were made to listen without judgement. And then, I will show you the curve in my back where your hand fits perfectly, a belly that will one day swell and give life to new versions of ourselves, and a chest where you can rest your head and hear the reminder that out of the billions of people on the planet our lives beat together in unison.

When we make love, I want to be the Eve to your Adam. 

Like the Garden of Eden, I want us to live in a home that is perfectly made for us. I want us to mold together like we were made for each other, I want to take refuge in your strength and I want you to find refuge in my gentleness. I want to fit under your arm, pressed against your ribs like it's the only home I've ever known. 

I want to love you like we are the only two people on earth. Two separate bodies combined in a union only God knew could become one.

And when we make love, 

I will probably blush every time like it's the very first time again. I will always feel the butterflies in my stomach, the haze around my head, my heart pounding against my rib cage like a herd of horses stampeding across the plains. 

 Because making love with you is more than just a release of chemicals, a mechanical action, a song in the background. 

Making love with you, is the most spiritual thing I could ever do. 

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