The Frozen Chapter Twenty Three

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The Frozen Chapter Twenty Three


Elsa looked at Jack with such intensified concentration that she almost turned her doorframe into ice. But still, evfen though she was holding back, small frost started building up, already making her feel faint.

"What- Are you okay?" Jack had catched her before she fell to the ground. "What are you doing up so late? It's still night. You need to sleep."

Elsa bit the inside of her cheek and stood up wobbily, taking North's hand to stand straight. "It's almost dawn, Jack. " She said with evident ice in her voice. "I remember what I heard, Jack, from your voice behind this door so don't bother trying to trick me. Instead, explain what you just said!"

"W- What are you talking about, Elsa?" Jack started backing away slowly.

"Is it true?" Jack flinched from the venom in Elsa's voice, but as soon as he heard it, her voice started cracking. "Is Anna really....captured?"

Elsa couldn't believe it. Jack's eyes couldn't meet hers. Everything.....has everything that has been going on a lie? A pressed front?

Unable to control it anymore, Elsa started walking towards Jack. When she reached him, she started hitting his chest. Elsa didn't want to admit it but she knew that she did no real damage to Jack. They were both ice elemental persons. Of course the cold will never bother them both. And sadly, Elsa's offensive attacks are mostly ice. So what Elsa was actually doing was just pushing back Jack against the low wooden railing.

"Be careful, you two, you could fall!" Elsa heard North call out. " And I guarantee you it will be a looong fall. Right, Phil?"

Elsa grimaced and hardened her fists, making a rather strong breeze inside the workshop. "I don't care, " she whispered, knowing that only Jack could hear. "I don't care what happens to me now. I only care about Anna!" Elsa resumed hitting Jack but with much more force than any other.

"Why, Jack! Why did you save me!" Elsa continued to shout. "Why didn't her? You should've saved Anna instead of me! No one cares if I die so why save me? If Anna dies....I can't honestly bear to live anymore."

Jack saw Elsa's face soften which made him lower his guard, his big mistake. Out of nowhere, Elsa cried "Why me!" and hit Jack with enough strength to freeze the railing and send the both of them falling down.

Elsa couldn't hear the other guardians' shouts. Her mind was too cloudy, too wild, too crazy. She wants to save Anna and also her parent's kingdom, now hers. She wants to sacrifice her life but she wants to stay with Jack.

She wants to defeat Eliora and Pitch but...she's too weak.

Without warning, Jack's arms were wrapped around her. She squirmed at first but Jack's grip was strong. And caring. "Don't cry, Elsa." He said.

Cry? Elsa touched her eyes and felt something wet. Tears. She hadn't notice that she was already crying. She also hadn't notice that she was also shuddering.

"Jack," Elsa murmured calmly.

"You might think that you're a monster, Elsa. An entity worth only of isolation or death're wrong." Jack started, hugging Elsa even tighter even though they're already falling. "Everybody is worth saving. No one is ever superior in terms of life or death. So don't compare your life to Anna's or anyone for that matter. Both of you are always worth the trouble. Don't think so negatively. Even if everyone has given up on you, I'll always come to save you. And not just because you're a Princess."

"I'm a Queen now though." Elsa found herself saying. She didn't know what happened to her but...she felt really good after hearing those words. Somehow, her mood got even lighter when she felt Jack smile.

"Wind," Jack muttered. Elsa looked around and saw that they were actually falling up till then. She could already see the ground floor. "Take us back to the guardians."

In a swift breeze, Jack and Elsa landed on the floor. Then as sudden as they landed, they came straight back up.

Still, Elsa still felt like something was missing so she gathered up her courage and thanked Jack, which felt like they were back to square one again. "Thank you Jack," Elsa kissed Jack's cheek, taking him by surprise. 'For- for believing I'm worth saving."

Jack flashed Elsa his smirk, relieving something inside Elsa. Then, in a swift move, Jack had kissed Elsa, which made her blush furiously and Jack laugh harder.

"You're always worth saving, Elsa."

So Hai Guyssss

How are ya'll holdin' up?

Sorry I've been busy this past April. I just wanna share what I did in April.

Mostly of the first and second week, my attention was directed at the GSP Summer camp. When I came back, I did some what you would call "Family Bonding" since mh cousin from London visited for some weeks. And now, this past week, I've been participating at some Red Cross Youth lectures. Next week, we'll start having swimming lessons! \(^_^)/

So that's what I've been up to so far. I don't know when I'll be posting next chapter but I estimate that I'll get it done by this week.

Next chapter will be Jack's Pov, then the next next chapter would be Kristoff's. Woot Woot!

Look Forward to it!

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