Pt 1

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The curtains shot open, exposing the bright Monday sun into the eyes of 16 year old Imani  Rowe. She rolled to her side groaning as she leaned to the edge of her bed.

"Get up lazy bones you don't wanna be late." Her mom said as she fixed the curtains to stay open. "I could be late today .." Imani said as she fixed her pillow under her head. "Alright then don't ask to go to open mike today" her mom teased as she walked towards her room door.

Imani's eyes shot bright open and all the sleep left her body as she hopped out of bed and into her bathroom and started the shower. Her mother laughed and smirked as she walked out the room, "That's what I thought, you've got 30 minutes before you'll have to be heading out" Imani rolled her eyes and shouted back from the shower "Say less, I'm on it"

Imani rushed out the shower and threw on some shorts and a white crop top and some old black vans, she walked into the bathroom and threw her wild hair into a ponytail after she applied some mascara and some lipgloss. She thought about adding some foundation but decided she'd just embrace her freckles. She smiled in the mirror but quickly stopped as she felt her insecurities pop into her head.

She looked at her phone which read, 7:00 am and grabbed a jacket as she rushed downstairs. "You look pretty." Her mom said as she grabbed the Keys from her purse. "Can you drive me to the bus stop?" Imani said as she plugged her headphones into her phone and looked for her playlist. Her mother nodded and they headed to the car and within minutes she was waving goodbye to the car as the bus pulled up after her mothers truck.

The ride wasn't that long only about 20 minutes and she decided to walk the 4 blocks to school instead of wasting money on another bus. Frank ocean's swim good filled her ears as she walked down the street bobbing her head and moving her fingers.

She reached her schools steps and started to put her phone and headphones in her backpack, she got through the metal detector and pulled out her phone and headphones again along with her school ID. She reached over for the boy to scan it when she accidentally knocked over his cup, it spilled all over him, "oh my gosh, I'm so sorry" she said as she reached on the side of her backpack and tried to wipe up the mess with the napkins she had. The boy stood up from the desk and and dusted himself off, "just fucking stop, you've done enough." Imani flinched a little at his angered words but just grabbed her things and stormed off upstairs to her locker.

When she got to her locker, or her friends we should say since she didn't actually use her own locker being that it was too far. She opened the locker and pulled out her binder and grabbed a pencil and pen from the top shelf. She was closing the locker when familiar hands covered her face. "Eli, is this you?" She turned around to find one of her bestfriends smiling.

"Sup lizzie" Eli laughed and she pushed loose curl behind her ear, she was mixed with black and white but could strongly pass for being Hispanic although imani never seen it, she just seen her as Eli. "You know I hate when you do that" imani groaned as she closed the locker and made her way up the steps to her first class, math. Eli followed behind and when they reached the classroom door they sat at their desk that was in groups and waited for the teacher and other students to come. "So you coming to open mike?" Imani asked as she pulled out her phone. "Only if you do your poem." Eli said as she popped a hot Cheeto in her mouth. Imani gave Eli a side eye "you know I'm not" Eli pouted, "pleaseee? For me?" Imani rolled her eyes, "I'll think about it, how about that?" Eli raised her hands in surrender and finished her bag of chips when more people started entering with the bell ringing and class started.

The periods seem to go by fast and with 8th period finishing Imani rushed to change out of gym clothes and get to the first floor and out the door quickly. "Everyone ready?" She texted in the group chat and rushed to the door to exit school. While she was heading to the bus stop across the street from the school her other friend Armani popped up by her side, "I got your text, naya is gonna meet us in line she's running a little late" imani nodded and they walked in unison to the bus stop and hopping on the bus.

Their ride was silent but when the got off the talked for what seemed like forever until they reached the line inside the library for open mike. They walked through the line all the way to the end and seen a familiar face, the boy from this morning. She rolled her eyes and just walked to the back of the line. The line moved quick and they were seated. And the open mike began. Naya walked in just in time to catch a seat next to imani and Armani.

The host introduced the next performer and the name caught your ear, you remembered it from somewhere but just couldn't put a face to it, until he walked on stage.

"This is a song I have on my EP that's coming out in April called the love project" the familiar faces boy said into the mic. Within seconds the music started and he began to rap his song, imani was stuck, glued to him all he said and it was if he looked directly at her while rapping. When he was done she turned to her friends with her mouth opened and a stunned look on her face, they both laughed.

The last act was finishing up and imani and her friends decided to leave before it got too crowded, imani stopped to grab her stuff when she felt someone grab her wrist ..

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