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Each day we come across..

a million ppl, of whom,

we remember only a few..

some we meet again..

while others r forgotten new..

some come close..

some we call our friends..

few r those, whom,

we want with us, till our life ends..

few r the people,

with whom we can share our pain..

few r the ppl,

that dont think about any loss or gain..

few r those,

whom we get used to..

few r those,

without whom, everything seems untrue,

we feel like theres nothing we could do..

but not every friend..

shares our journey till the end..

there r frnds whom we meet only for a short span of time..

n we feel like our lives have got an all new rhyme..

but b4 we share

and start to care..

there are friends who walk silently out of our life..

leaving us in the mid of struggle and strife..

we feel devastated,

and lonely in our hearts..

as the relation that we thought,

ends even b4 it starts..

but this is not,

where our life ends..

there come angels that god sends..

they come in our lives


early morning drops of dew..


even though,

the moments they share r only a few..

in this journey called life..

they give a direction that is a whole lot new..

one genuine smille, one kind gesture

sets everything right

at the end of a tunnel, shines a ray of light..

these r the people who make us laugh while we cry..

these r the ppl with whom we dont need to b shy..

these r the people that turn our petty mischief,

into events of glory..

they are the most

integral part of our story..

Each person has,

a few people with whom he can connect..

people whom he simply.. cannot neglect..

who knows..that the people we meet today,

might someday become,

an unforgettable part of our life...

along with drums, playing the fife..

I often think, why i couldnt give my poems an interesting end..

but today i felt that..

it is how it is meant be..

going on forever..

like my friendship with thee..... :D :D :D

would like to have your comments about how you feel about the people that you meet in your life.. :) 

n also please do vote if you liked my poem.. :) 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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