The Beginning: Part 1

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                                                                          (The day the titans met)


                             Red, that was all she could see. Rage, that was all she could feel. She banged on the door that trapped her inside this room of darkness. She was wearing cuffs that prevented her from using her starbolts, but not her super strength. She slammed her fists into the door for a final time, sending it flying into the opposite wall of the space ship. The guards protecting the door charged, but she was stronger. Once all the guards were defeated, she flew out of the space ship, and sped to the planet she would soon call home, Earth.


                            It was his 13th birthday, and he was all alone. He still couldn't believe it had been about a year since he left the Doom Patrol. He was so lost in thought that he didn't look where he was going and walked straight into a lamp post. "Owwww." He moaned. Just as he was cursing himself, a bright green light crash into the streets only a few blocks away from him. "huh?"


                     He was on his own, that was how he liked it. He had grown tired of working with Batman, so he moved to a new city named Jump City. As he was replaying recent memories in his head, when he heard someone say, "Hehe, they think they can catch me." 'Crime'  he thought. He jumped down out of the shadows so that he could meet the man face to face. "what do you think your doing!" He shouted at the snickering man. "Hey," The man said "Aren't you...." "I'm new around here." He said cutting the man off. The man struck, but missed. Almost as soon as the fight started, a green light crashed into the ground, maybe about a block from where they were standing. "Consider yourself lucky." He told the man, and almost as soon as the man blinked, the young crime fighting boy was gone.


                      "Everyone thinks I'm a freak." He thought. Ever since the accident last year, he never ever left the house, until today. "Today is the day for change!... Right?..." He thought. But soon his thoughts were interrupted by a green light that had crashed maybe about half way across town. "Here comes more trouble." He sighed.


               It was dark, but she didn't mind. Dark...... It was really the only thing that ever crossed her mind. She knew what she would become, she knew what she would do, but still , she walked the deserted streets of jump city. Deep down she really wanted to make friends, but...... she was afraid, afraid of what they might think of her. She was interrupted by a green light that crashed into the ground right next to the pizza shop that was right next to the ally she was meditating in. "Great." She thought sarcastically, "Trouble"  


           "RUTHA!" She shouted. "SHLORVAX ZORKMORKING ZARBNARF!!!!!!!" She was not afraid of these people, but she was afraid  of the people's future if they did not listen to her. "ZAL!!" She yelled, and people screamed, yet she did not know why. She ran towards a red car and smashed her cuffed hands into them, sending the car flying into the bank. More people screamed, but that only made her more determined. She noticed that the pizza place had large pillars that looked pretty strong, so she started to smash her hands against them. The balcony on the pizza shop started to fall, yet still her hands still had starbolt proof cuffs on them. "Hey!!" Someone shouted, "What do you think your doing!!!" She spun around to see a spiky, black haired boy, in a red shirt with green tights. 


           As the thing that crashed into Earth spun around, he realized it was a girl. She had very long pinkish red hair, and a black top and a black skirt. When they were finally face to face he could see she had bright green eyes. "Why is she attacking the city?" He thought. Then she yelled something in a language he didn't understand, and threw a blue car at him. "gah!" He jumped out of the way. "Cut it out!!!" She threw another car at him. "Alright then, if you want a fight, a fight is what your going to get!" He charged at her with his boa staff. He swung his boa staff at her but missed. She started to get angry so she threw a bus at him. This time he couldn't avoid it, so he stayed still and hopped for the best. Suddenly a big green goat, and a tall man in a gray sweatshirt  appeared out of nowhere. The goat rammed into the bus, while the sweatshirt man tried to attack the girl. "Man!!!" He said, "What you doing going around messing my town up for!!!" Even though he couldn't  see the sweatshirt man's face, he sounded African American. Suddenly the green goat turned into a boy maybe around 13. When the boy spoke, he had a little squeaky voice, "Hello sir, I'm Beastboy sir, and....... wowsers!!!! Your Robin, sir!!!! This is a real honer, sir!" "First off," Robin said, "You can stop calling me sir." "Ok sir...I mean Robin!!!" The small green boy said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2018 ⏰

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