1.Theres Rage In The Air

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The night my life changed, I was 17 it was the summer before college. Yes I know how many 17 year olds are starting college when most can hardly pass P.E. well the answer in the type of girl with a determined foster mother who always, always, gets her way . That summer feels centuries away now especially with all I know and who've I become. At that time I was dating the stereotypical jerk 6'2 and good with his words,for the most part,who was more into himself and anything in a skirt willing and like the oblivious girl I was I went along with it. Everything really started to change the week after the 4th of July ,it was hot and humid the basic norm for Florida summers even after midnight, I had just finished up at the hell hole I worked at and was heading to my car head phones blaring and bright green name tag and matching apron snuggly in my purse I'd been fighting a cold all day,what I thought was a summer cold when a another unavoidable wave of pain washed over me worst than the pain that had been plaguing me the whole day ,but this time it came with the most intoxicating smell I've ever inhaled it was a delicious odd mix of honeysuckle, the forest before a storm  and ,and rage?I didn't know rage had a smelling it startled me so much I stumbled back until my back came in contact with the door I had just stepped out of.  The pain passed in moments but the smell lingered etched into my mind like the smell of a familiar friend so recognizable yet so foreign. I blinked my eyes and took a shaky breath and tried to push away the pain still lingering in the back of my mind and the rage still caressing my senses.
"Get a hold of yourself Electra." I scolded myself trying to shake off the intoxicating smell ,I chalked it all up to fatigue and unlocked my 2009 old faithful car and drove home. Not noticing the bright hazel eyes watching me from the edge of the parking lot just where the light ended and the thick woods started if I was paying any attention I probably would have heard the owner of those eyes whisper my name as I started my car. Hands shaking I fought through the next wave of pain this one settling in my jaw and making my eyes water. I wound my way up the familiar roads of the place I've called home for ten years deep in the woods down the lose stone road to the homely cottage shared by me and my family.I'd made it all the way to my soft bed before I passed out from exhaustion on my familiar red and black comforter.

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