Chapter One

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[[RennRaven wrote this]]

            Mary watched as my mother and father continued to packed clothes. Both of them had one big suitcase and at least two little ones. She heavily sighed and leaned herself up against the wooden door frame. ‘If only I had normal parents, I won't have to suffer watching them go and not come back - not until two years, that is,’ she thought.

            "Honey, you take care of yourself, okay? But, just in case, we are letting you stay with Uncle Barney. But, he said that he’d have to bring his sons.” Mother said. Mary never met Barney but to he seems creepy… the name is what mostly freaks her out. “He’ll be here to pick you up tomorrow but… if you choose to stay, well, he’ll be back every month to check if you didn’t burn down the house.”

            Mary slowly nodded and went back to her bedroom. She sat down on the light green comforter. She needs time to think and she needs it NOW.

            'I can handle myself…right? Ugh, no, I can’t, I’d set the house on fire by just making cereal! I’m going to have to live with those hooligans – the Mansons. I have to suffer being lonely for two straight years! If only I had an ordinary family. Though, this is kind of a pretty decent life if I do say so myself,' Mary  thought as she fell back onto her bed, closed her eyes and fell sound asleep.


At exactly eight in the morning, Mary was called down stairs by you-know-who, the BAD parents. Now you’d think she’d be all grumpy for being “woken up” real early but really, she woke up herself at around six.

            "Bye, hun! Uncle Barney and his kids will be here in an hour and a half, so make sure you look presentable." Mother said, opening the main double doors of the house and left without another word. She seems… in a rush to get away from here…

            "Stay safe, sweetheart," father told her as he kissed her forehead and followed mother out the door.

            They never really said “goodbye” or “I love you” and that REALLY made Mary want to cry. First they leave without saying those two important things then the next they’re going to return two years later.

            She sighed and walked up to the center of the living room where a big black grand piano sat wide open and ready to be played. Mary sat down on the red velvet chair and, on instinct; her fingers began to dance around the piano, playing that familiar song of the Corpse Bride’s theme.

            The marvelous piece that was constructed by Danny Elfman filled the quiet and now lonely air of the house. It couldn’t be called a mansion because it wasn’t that big. They didn’t have maids because… they just couldn’t be trusted.

            Thoughts kept flooding her mind, but the piece she was playing right now was soothing her. ‘I just hope those 'twins' won't bother me like how boys do in my school. Men are such flirts sometimes and I think I know why. It’s because I’m rich and they want some money. Yeah, not gonna happen,’ she thought.

            She sighed, got up from the chair and went up to my room to get ready. She took a bath, wore black and white stripped long-sleeves, denim shorts and a black fedora. She went down again just wondering about… life.

            ‘I'm just an innocent, 18-year old girl whose parents are on a two year trip and have to be with her father’s best friend and sons. What a life. Well, it's worth it so I won't be alone,’ she thought.

            How ARE these boys? Are they older than me? Are they younger than me? Are they stupid?


She was just sitting down on the long black and white L-shaped couch, bored out of her mind and reading GhostGirl by Tonya Hurley, waiting for them to arrive.

            Then honking was heard. Yes, the sound that a mad driver makes with their car.

            She walked over to the big window, wanting to watch the madness bloom and looked at what the hell was going on. At the sight, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

            A gang of male immature teenagers were honking at a police who stopped them from driving and going any further because they were too noisy, too stupid, and going way too fast that they knocked over a stop sign.

            I was watched them argue until they left. I love watching a good fight. But, surprisingly, a tow truck came in and towed their red Ferrari away, it's a good thing they were towed or they would never leave.

            But, what caught her attention was the fact that they just shrugged it off. Careless kids, eh? She then looked at her watch ’11.57a.m.’ This is poop. When will the three of them arrive? They were about two hours late and she was STARVING. She didn’t want to cook – or open a bag of chips – because, like she said, she’d burn down the house.

            All this waiting gave her A LOT of time to think AND pack – which is exactly what she needed. ‘Thank you, Mansons,’ she thought.

            She just kept staring at the sky through the glass then she got lost into another world. ‘Where do they live?’ she wondered. Then she began to imagine their house as big as hers but with … an indoor swimming pool … a trampoline … an arcade … a horse stable … and a … unicorn? She opened her eyes widely and blinked numerous times to get everything in place and saw a big white fluffy cloud that was shaped like a unicorn. Ah.

            She took a few steps back and headed over to the piano and played an original composition; C D A F. ‘Very original if I do say so myself,’ she thought.  It was a RANDOM piece so it doesn't have much rhythm.

            It's been 8 minutes already, where could they be? She was getting seriously lonely, and she does not like the feeling. It’s like she was being watched. It would get scarier if she would suddenly hear the theme song of Alice in Wonderland – now that right there would be REALLY creepy.

            She laid her head down on the keys, which caused it to make a horrible sound but hey, she was tired of waiting. Then once the piano’s sound died out, male laughter from outside was heard. She quickly got up and opened the door before they could even get a chance to ring the doorbell.

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