My Brother Cameron Dallas (Nash Grier Can Fiction)

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My name is Andrea Dallas I'm 15. As you may know my brother is the one the only Cameron Dallas. Blah blah blah. He started getting famous and he travels a ton on things like magcon, we're not as close anymore because of his "fame" but he wants to take me with him to a magcon event. And that's when I met Nash...


My phone started buzzing to the tune of 'happy' by pharrel because it's my favorite song, I search for my phone on my bed almost wrecking the sheets In my fast action. I looked at the caller I.d and sure enough it was Cam.

"Hey" i say

"What's up little sis?"

"uhhh laying down on my laptop" I say, even though I wasn't, acctually I was drifting off to sleep before the buzz of my phone.

"Oh well I'm coming over later, get ready we're going to lunch."

"Where.? It better not be chipotle again!"

Trying to make myself loud and clear because every time we go to lunch it's always at chipotle, I don't mind but the food gets bland after awhile.

"no, I promise it's not! But get ready!!!"

"Oh all right cam"

"Alright i love you dreeee!!!"

"Love you cammmmmy!!!"

I get up, not wanting to because I'm still tired. I quickly go and get in the shower, washing my body. after I get on my high waisted white maxi skirt I put on my crop top with the words "RECKLESS" printed on the front. Then I get on my white gladiator sandals and apply some mascara. Cam hates when I use any makeup so he'll probably try and get me to remove my mascera which usually never works.

A half hour later Cam still hasn't came for me so I start drifting off to sleep because I'm Sooo freaking tired and their is nothing good on tv exept for "keeping up with the kardashians" but I've seen the episode Sooooo many times that's it's just boring now.


I wake up to Cam jumping on me yelling "GET UP LAZY BOOTAYYY!!!"

in my ear, I look up at him and slap him lightly "you fricken idiot, you almost gave me a heart attack!! call me or knock like any other normal person!!!"

"Who said I was normal.?" He says because really he isnt.

"shutup." I reply because I'm mad at him for jumpin on me because he's like twice my size.

"Let's goooooooo!!!"

Before I even get the chance to get up, he lifts me up throwing me over his shoulders and I hit his back screaming into his spine. "LET ME GO! LET ME GO! ILL KILL YOU WITH A SPOOOOON!!! LET ME GO!!"

Finally once were at the entry way he realeased me. "with a spoon?" he says "Yes cam, don't think I wont!"

Once we were strapped And ready to go I turned up his radio because 'wrecking ball' by miley cyrus came on and I know he hates it with a passion. I sang it so off tune paying him back for jumping on me and carrying me like a lunitic. so I made sure to sing extra bad. "SHATAPPP" He yelled I just laughed and turned the song up even louder he smiled, and to my suprise started singing as well.


*Once at our destination (chipotle)*


"I'm sorry but it's just soooooooo gooooood"

I pouted and got out of the car anyways.

"You suck."

"You love me!"

"In what world?"

"THIS ONE!!!" he sang out.

I love my brother but sometimes he's crazy.

I decided on just ordering a burrito, because the burritos are just so good.

"I thought you didn't like this place anymore?!" he said with a smirk once he saw me scarfing my food down.

"I dont, but the burritos are freacking amazing"

he laughed

"Anyways I wanted to talk to you about something."

I looked at him unaware of what he might ask me.

"Yes..?" I ask wryly

"Well you know magcon.?"

"The thing you always go to and leave me to die?!" I reply sarcastically because he knows how much I hate him leaving me.

"Yeah, that thing"


"I want you to come with me. I told the boys you were coming and their exited to meet you.!!"



My Brother Cameron Dallas (Nash Grier Can Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now