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[TRANS] 101102 MASTER POST - JYJ Twitter Updates

Jaejoong & his Japanese friends n_n

(Shige) @mjjeje Good night (-.-)Zzz・・・・ (around 1AM KST)

(Jaejoong) @shige1209 I hope Shige-san will have a nice day today as well♠(2.54PM KST)

(Akio) @mjjeje jiji.... is huge!! ah, are you drinking? (around Midnight KST)

(Jaejoong) @akionosuke jiji has grown too big i'm in trouble ;; (2.55PM KST)

Conversations between JYJ & their friends. Goodbye SungKyunKwan! ᅲ

(Jaejoong) Good morning^^ (8:33am KST)

(Ji Bin) @mjjeje Good morning~ (He wrote ‘Good’ as ‘꿀’ which means ‘Honey’ so it sounds like ‘Sweet Morning’) keke Hyung, what’re you doing? (9:24am KST)

(Jaejoong) @Actor_ParkJiBin I only just saw your tweet^^ I ordered something but it never came, so I had a big fight over the phone, but it turned out that I had ordered it wrong.. Eek (2:52pm KST)

(Ji Bin) @mjjeje kekekekeke So did it all work out well? Kekeke (2:57pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @Actor_ParkJiBin Ji Bin, I gave my cat a bath today and it took me two hours.. It feels like I was the one who took a shower (5:47pm KST)

(Yoochun) Now~ We have only two scenes left!!! Let’s be strong for just a little longer!!! (2:43pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Yoochun, Hwaiting!! Be strong, Seon Joon♥ (2:49pm KST)

(Yoochun) @mjjeje ^^Thanks!! (2:54pm KST)

(Jaejoong) Scary JiJi.. I give him his bath and now he won’t even acknowledge my presence, he even sticks his tongue out at me with a weird pose.. (5:50pm KST)

(Junsu) Yoochun.. I really mean it when I say ‘Great job till now’!! Though you’re my member, I can say that you are the best actor I’ve seen.. You’re amazing, Lee Seon Joon.. I truly mean it when I say ‘Great job’ ^^ (6:20pm KST)

(Yoochun) @0101xiahtic Thanks a lot, it’s because you always watched it when it aired!! ^^ hahahaha We have to start running again!! ^^ (6:27pm KST)

(Yoochun) Done with filming!! ^^ Great job everyone!!^^ (6:22pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky Great job♥ (6:32pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky All that’s left now is the day when Junsu takes us out for dinner^^ (6:33pm KST)

(Yoochun) @mjjeje I know right^^ Hey Junsu!! Thanks^^!! Hahahahaha (6:47pm KST)

(Junsu) Fine, I’ll pay!! Lol (6:52pm KST)

(Junsu) But I’m not paying for any alcohol!! I’m only paying for food~!! Lol (6:53pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic But you’ll be the only one eating ᅲ (7:19pm KST)

(Yoochun) Although it was a book with only 20 pages, it was a book that overflowed with memories and love warmer than that from other books…. Even in this car racing at 100km per hour, I’m reading the book…Thank you SungKyunKwan Scandal… That I will love and keep loving. Goodbye…^^ (6:51pm KST)

(Yoochun) @0101xiahtic An airplane sounds good!! (7:01pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @6002theMicky I hope Junsu keeps his airplane promise. Like a man, like a cool person.. (7:20pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic But Junsu, I see that you’re still confused about adding ‘reply’ on your tweets..Pft (7:21pm KST)

(Junsu) Jaejoong hyung.. We’re the same.. Why are you acting like this to me…….. ᅲ (7:42pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Junsu, what’re you doing right now? (7:46pm KST)

(Junsu) @mjjeje I’m drinking coffee~ (8:21pm KST)

(Sung Pil) keke To those who breathed and walk down.. that road~~ (8:25pm KST)

(Junsu) @kangsungpil Great job to you too, Sung Pil hyung^^ (8:59pm KST)

Jaejae is a creeper?

(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic I know where you are^^ (9.17pm KST)

(Junsu) @mjjeje kekekekeke Daebak (Oh My God)!!!!!! That's scary~ (9:24pm KST)

(Jaejoong) @0101xiahtic Fans can know everything! I'm your fan^^ (9:47pm KST)

(Junsu) @mjjeje kekekekekekekeke Do you like me? (11:37pm KST)

Junsu is a loner (but you can hang out with me anytime bb♥)

(Previous Tweet/Junsu) @kangsungpil Great job to you too, Sung Pil hyung^^ (8:59pm KST)

(Sung Pil) @0101xiahtic Thanks~~Junsu~~I'm already on the move^^* I think I'll get a little drunk tonight lol Next week, we have to meet up~♥ (10:43pm KST)

(Junsu) @kangsungpil Enjoy having fun without me ㅠ (11:36pm KST)

Source: [Jaejoong + Junsu + Yoochun + Others' Twitters]

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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