하나 (Hana)

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The bell that signifies the end of class finally rings. Everyone hates the bell. Not because it means that we have to go to our next class. It's because of what the dammed bell sounds like. It's one single high pitched note that causes more than half of the student body to leave the school more deaf than when they came in. But in this case, I found that I didn't mind. Sure, I could still feel myself going deaf but after hearing the piercing note, I felt any and all tension leave my entire being. Don't get me wrong, I loved my classes (as much as a senior can) but I love what came after even more.

"Alright," Our English teacher, Mr. Jung, calls the attention of the class, "I want everyone to be prepared for the verbal test tomorrow, so don't stay up all night. That means you, Kim."

There were about 10 "Kims" in the room, but everyone in the class knew who he was referring to. Kim Taehyung is the, simply put, resident puppy.

Kim Taehyung looks up from across the room to give a wide box smile that had Mr. Jung, and myself, chuckling at him fondly. He really is adorable.

"Dismissed." I went to go grab Tae before he ran off and got lost. I swear, the boy is 4D. We once went on a trip and, needless to say, multiple belongings were lost. One kid lost their wallet, another their passport, someone lost their baggage, and Tae manages to loose himself. It took us a whole day to find him. It didn't really help that he'd get constantly distracted by the scenery, so he wouldn't stay in one place. You can imagine how long it took for us to find him.

Taehyung and I are both seniors at our high school, but he still manages to get lost. It's like he gets lost in a world all of his own. I don't blame him. It may not be very big, but it's a nice school. Scratch that, the campus is gorgeous. There's climbing ivy, bougainvillea, wild roses, lilies, orchids, believe-it-or-not wild strawberries and grapevines, It gives out a serene yet upbeat feel to it. I really like it here.

I still don't quite understand how I could've lost him. I had had a vice-like grip on Taehyung's wrist, and yet he still managed to slip away from me, the alien.

At least his wandering worked in my favor as he had managed to follow a butterfly all the way across campus. Right in front of the Arts Academy. (I got the story from Tae later that he had followed the small blue butterfly over every single last inch of the campus. Aish, this kid.)

The Arts Academy isn't a separate school from the high school like most people think it is. I can see why they would think that way though. Sometimes even I forget. (insert the info that is on the paper that you need to find)

Both Taehyung and I attend the AA. Tae in attending for Vocals but he is also taking acting classes. I am enrolled for Dance, along with another friend of mine and I would be taking Vocal classes with Tae if it weren't for my father. It's not like he hates Tae, the opposite really. My dad loves Taehyung and the three of us have fun whenever he's over. It's just-


A long and drawn out version of something akin to my name. That's the only thing I hear before all I am able to see is green and the ground.

"Ya, Hyung! Get off before I suffocate!" I say laughing, very much out of breath, as much as one can from the floor. While suffocating. "No, really. Hyung, I can't breathe."

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