Chapter 1

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I looked up from my notebook to see who was calling me. The park was full of people having fun, families having picnics, couples leaning against trees and kids running around. A boy was walking towards me. I didn’t recognize him so I didn’t acknowledge him. Not that I would have otherwise. He looked to be around 17 or 18. Definitely a senior. He was actually pretty cute. He was broad shouldered and tall with dark blond hair. He smiled when he saw me check him out. I just gave him a cold stare and went back to my writing. He stopped beside me and waited for a minute. When he realized that I was not going to speak, he said   “Hi, you’re Kiara right?”

I looked up at him. He really was pretty cute.

“Yes. How can I help you?” I was hoping he would go away and leave me alone but no such luck.

“I’m Gabe. I’m a friend of Cole’s.”

Now Cole I knew. Cole was my best friend and despite myself I was intrigued. If Cole had sent him it had to be because of something important. But that didn’t mean I had to be nice.

“I’ll repeat Gabe, how can I help you?”

Undeterred by my cold demeanor he forged on, “Cole asked me to give you this,” He handed me a small package wrapped in brown paper, “and tell you that it’s on tonight at the usual time. He said you would know what it means.”

As a matter of fact I did. I knew exactly what it meant. And I also knew that I would go. It saddened me but I couldn’t help it.

“Thanks.” I told Gabe, waiting for him to leave. He didn’t. Instead he plopped down beside me.

“So, what does it mean? He wouldn’t tell me. And are you going to open that package?”

I opened my mouth to tell him to fuck off but then I realized I was tired. So tired. I didn’t have the energy to make him leave. So I didn’t. I tore the brown wrapping and opened the small box. In it was a delicate silver chain with a small skull shaped pendant. I loved it. Gabe whistled.

“That’s a nice piece of jewelry. But a skull? Seriously? I didn’t know that’s what guys gave their girlfriends nowadays.”

“Cole’s not my boyfriend. He’s just a friend.”

Gabe looked at me, incredulously, “Sweetheart, guys don’t give girls jewelry unless they are their girlfriends or someone they like. So if Cole is not your boyfriend then he sure wants to be.”

“When you don’t know what you’re talking about, don’t make assumptions.” I gave him a flat stare. I was used to hiding my emotions and by now, it had become a habit. My eyes revealed nothing when I looked at Gabe. I knew they were as cold as my body. Numb and unfeeling. And for the first time, Gabe seemed a little wary.

“Alright, I’m sorry. Anyway, do you go to the same high school as us? Because I’ve never seen you with Cole before.”

Why God? This guy, though extremely cute, was extremely clueless. Why can people never figure out that you don’t want to talk to them?

“Yeah, I do.” I figured if I keep my replies short he’ll get the hint. Eventually.

“So what does it mean?”

“What does what mean?”

“The message. You know? Cole said it’s on tonight.”

“Listen Gabe, this stuff is personal so please refrain from asking about it. And, as you can see, I’m busy, so please, for fucks sake, lift your ass off the bench and go do whatever you do.”

“Way to make the new kid feel welcome. Cole told me not to talk to you because you’re not a morning person but seriously? I was trying to be friendly.”

“That’s the thing Gabe,” I sighed. I wanted to be alone. This conversation was draining me. “I don’t want to make you feel welcome or unwelcome. Nor do I want you to be friendly towards me.”

“Yeah? Whatever.” And he stalked off. He had a pretty nice ass. But whatever.

I looked at the locket again. And I sighed. I seemed to be doing a lot of that these days. I knew what the locket meant. And honestly? Gabe wasn’t that far off. I knew that Cole wanted us to become exclusive.  He was always giving me small trinkets and such. But I couldn’t do it. Cole and I had a working relationship. He was there for me when I needed company and I was there for him. He was my best friend and though I didn’t confide everything in him, we were as close as we could be. He was always trying to fix me. But he couldn’t. I knew what would go down tonight. But even though I made my disapproval clear, I still went. I got up and went home to get ready for tonight.

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