Chapter 1

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Asunas pov

I sigh when I hear my alarm go off and I throw it across the room. Asuna, get up. Regina says coming into my room You know, I could sleep naked. I say But you dont. she says and I sigh. What do you need at this time for me to get up? I ask The horses. Especially the huge black one. Oh, and your stupid dog tried attacking me. she says My dog is dumb. They greyhound is smarter. I say, pretty much calling the mayor a dog. Get to the stables. She says and leaves. Cody runs in and I pat his head. Maybe next time, actually attack her. I say and he barks. I hear my Japanese Bobtail, Jasper, meow and jump on my bed. I pet the fluffy cat and get out of bed. Cody barks loudly at the front door and I roll my eyes until I heard a knock. I sigh and head to the front door to see Archie. Hi. I say Do you think you can watch Pongo for right now? he asks Sure. I love hanging out with Pongo. I say and bend down to pet him. Thank you. He says and quickly leaves. I huff, let Pongo in, and shut my front door. I hope you dont startle Howdy. I say and go back to my room to see Jasper trying to attack a fly. Weirdo. I mumble. I change into a crop top, short shorts, and boots. Guess Im going to be riding a wild horse. I hear another knock at my door and I sigh. I cant get a damn break. I say and go answer it to see Sheriff David.

Are you really going to ride Howdy dressed like that? he asks Are you really going to be judging me and what I wear when I have a gun? I ask and he backs off. Do you have Pongo? he asks Yeah. Archie just dropped him off for me to watch over. I say Is this true Archie? he asks and then thats when I notice Archie. Yes, this is true. Ive been trying to tell you this all the way here. He says Do you want Pongo back? I ask Yes. He says and takes the leash. Now Sheriff David, Id like to leave my home. I say and he moves out of the way. I exit my house with Cody and Jasper following and open my passenger door for Jasper to enter my truck. I go to the bed of the truck, put the door down, and let Cody jump up into it. Good boy. Youre getting better. I say and pat his head. I close the door and get into the driver seat, after moving Jasper back over to the passenger seat. Alright, to Grannies first then to the stables. I say. I could really go for a coffee. I drive down the dirt path then reach the road and drive to Grannies Diner. Stay here, Im just getting me a coffee. I say and leave the truck. Morning Granny. I say Morning Asuna. She says The normal. I say and she walks off. Ah, good morning Asuna. Mr. Gold says Morning Mr. Gold. I say and he walks off to sit alone. Hey Asuna. Love the outfit. Ruby says I got it from my best friend. I say and hug her. I see a man enter that Ive never seen before but he looks familiar.

He walks over to Regina and she shakes his hand. Its good to see you again Hook. She says. Sheriff David comes in and walks over to Hook and pats his back. Hey David. he says and I walk over to slap David. Next time you appear at my front door judging my outfit, think again because I will shoot next time. I say Listen, Im sorry about that. I just cant believe Ruby gave you that. He says. I hear Cody barking and a vehicle driving away. I run outside to see Cody running after my truck. My truck! I yell and run after it. Davids police car drives past me and he quickly blocks the persons way off the block. I walk up to the drivers seat to see Will Scarlett. Get out of my truck. I say and Cody growls at him. If you dont, Ill send him after you when you do. I say and he gets out quickly. I help Cody get back into the bed of my truck and I get back in the drivers seat. I drive back to the diner and let Cody come in. Here you go. Granny says as I sit down and she hands me my coffee. Thanks. I mumble and start drinking it. So, youre going to ride Howdy bareback today? David asks sitting next to me. Yep. Which Is why Im leaves Cody and Jasper with you. I say Youve lost your mind. He says David, I cant leave Cody with anyone else. I say Fine. he mumbles.

Cody lays down next to me and this Hook guy sits next to David. Its really good to see you mate. He says You to. Its nice to see you out in public as well. David says. Alright, can I have a coffee in a to go cup so I can drink before I get there. This damn horse requires two cups of coffee. I say and Granny nods. Ruby sits next to me and stares at me. Yes? I ask The tattoos. she says The lion is my spirit animal. I may have been a sea lover long before this damned curse but the lion is my spirit animal. The wolf is loyalty. I may have been a damn pirate but Im very loyal. The wings represent freedom. And the roses are a reminder of the ones my mother grew. If she visits, then she might bring some I can grow myself. I say Who knows, maybe your mother will bring Trico for you to see. She says Ill never be that luck. She might go as far as bringing Cerberus, not Trico. I say Ah. Whats up with your father? she asks Hes an abusive ass. I hope he hasnt hurt my mother while Im stuck down here. I say Im praying for her. She says Thanks. I say and Granny gives me my coffee. Well Im going to go. David, if you need me for anything cause your car isnt fast, you know where to find me. I say and he nods. I open the door to leave the diner and almost bump into someone. I look up to see my grandmother. Hey grandma. I say Hey, I heard Will stole your truck. She says Yeah. But its alright. I forgive my grandfather. He is a thief. I say and she nods. I move aside to let her in and leave. I open the door and hear Jasper meow. I pick him up and bring him in the diner.

Almost forgot to give him to you. I say handing him to David and leaving. Now Im going to the stables. I say and start driving there. I reach the stables and sigh. This is going to be one hell of a day. I think and finally exit my truck.

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