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Sam could hear his brother from his room across the hall, even with his noise cancelling headphones in, and it was starting to piss him off.

"Dean! Can't you wait til I'm not home to do that?!" He yelled.

"I'm not-" His brother started to reply. "Fuck you, Sammy."

More moaning ensued, and as much as Sam tried to ignore it, he couldn't. It had been going on for hours. There was no way his brother's stamina was that good. He got up, leaving his book and iPod on his bed and walked over to his brother's room. He knocked once before opening the door and poking his head in. Dean was lying in the bed, his face contorted in pain.

"What's wrong?" He was immediately worried, and now he was kicking himself for having snapped at his brother like he had.

"It's nothing, Sammy. I'll..." Dean tried to take a deep breath but it came out as a whimper.

"Don't you even try to tell me you'll be ok, it's clear you won't be. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

Dean's eyes snapped open and he looked up at his brother in terror.

"No! At least, not yet."

Sam frowned. "What does that mean? Is it your appendix?"

"No, not my appendix." There was sweat beading on Dean's brow and every little movement he made had him whimpering.

"You're in obvious pain. I'm going to take you to the hospital. They'll be able to fix you." Sam wasn't letting his brother argue with him on this one. He grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tee shirt, and then helped his brother into them. Dean wasn't able to reach his feet to put on his socks and shoes, so Sam did that for him too. He grabbed Dean's wallet and shoved it in his brother's pocket, along with his cell phone, and then guided him out to the car.

"You're really scaring me, Dean. Do I need to call mom and dad?"

"Don't you dare!" Dean warned. "I'll be fine!"

Sam frowned, not really convinced of that. The way Dean kept grabbing at his stomach and grimacing told him the man was cramping. Maybe it was food poisoning.

"Did you eat something bad?"

"Maybe. Yeah, I bet this is food poisoning." Dean nodded eagerly.

"I hope that's all it is." Sam muttered as he lowered his brother down into the passenger seat of the Impala. He went around and got in behind the wheel. "We'll get you to the hospital and let them figure it out."

Dean sat clutching his stomach and staring out the window the entire ride and when they got there, Sam went to fetch a wheelchair for him. Reluctantly Dean allowed the two orderlies that came out to assist him with getting out of the car and into the chair. It was humiliating enough knowing he even needed to be here. He'd never live it down if Sam knew the real reason he'd even needed to come to the emergency room, but sitting at home and waiting for the issue to somehow, by some miracle fix itself wasn't working, and now he was genuinely scared for his own safety. He was wheeled inside where Sam was talking with the nurses behind the counter.

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