"What in the world was that for?" Carrot Top asked as the Doctor closed the door to the Tardis.
"What? We needed a way in and this was better than just knocking on the front door. On the other hoof too, we skipped a couple of hours so maybe he isn't standing by now." He said. "And don't worry, there is a solid fifteen percent chance he didn't hear us."
"Fifteen?" She asked angrily.
"Hey now thats a lot, with that amount theres a chance we came in undetected." He said trying to act smoothly.
"There's also a eighty five percent chance that he knows that we're here and that he's now waiting for us." She said sarcastically.
He took a look around before taking out the screwdriver. "Lets see where you are."
Carrot Top guessed that they had to be in the basement, for there were shelves with tons of crates. Each one had a item name written on them but to her surprise none where cooking items. Thanks to the inner light of the Tardis she was able to see all around the room. Her eyes fell to a set of stars leading up to the rest of the building.
"We're not in Sugarcube." She said.
"Well of corse not, that would be wasting our time." The Doctor said. "No point of going there, no we're at the Cake's residence."
Carrot Top became alarmed. "Wait this is they're house!"
"Not so loud." He said trying to hush her.
"We can't just go walking into somepony's house." She said very angrily.
"Listen, I for one agree with that statement. However, when that pony's house harbors a dangerous alien that can do god knows what kind of destruction, I think we can wave the rule of politeness just this once. All we're here for is the zygon, just in and out. It will be like nopony was even here." He said trying to calm her down. "Besides the radar showed that he came back here instead of the cake shop so what else was I suppose to do?"
"Its just I don't feel comfortable snooping around somepony's house. Can't we try to lure the thing outside somehow?" She asked.
"I am all ears." He said placing his hoof on the stairs.
Carrot Top paused for a moment, trying to think of a way that they could get the creature away from the rest of the family. Turning around she eyed the Tardis. Then it came to her, almost like a bolt of lighting. Apparently the Doctor also began picking up on her attentions.
"Oh, no." He said.
"It would work." She said.
"Still, letting that thing on the Tardis is already asking for trouble." He said taking a step towards her.
"But it would be a lot safer than just trying to get it in the house or luring it outside. Think, if it got outside then it can sift to anypony. We can trap it here and we know where it would be." She said.
"Even if we did get it on board, have you ever thought about what if it got loose then? The Tardis is infinite. It could literally roam around on my ship for ages. Not to mention put me in danger where I rest my head." He said growing concerned.
"Well it's a better plan than whatever you got." She said.
He paused for a moment. "Okay you got me there, but I still am not on board with this."
"Whats the worse that could happen?" She shrugged.
Instantly his face was within touching distance with her's. "There are many things that could go wrong miss Top. For one a zygon isn't a dumb animal that you can train to do tricks. It is an intelligent being that can easy abuse the abilities of the Tardis. If it got a hold on that technology it could rewrite you're entire history. There would be a complete meltdown of this universe, creating a hellish nightmare that I for one have seen firsthoof." He stopped for a moment. "There it is again I said 'first hoof' instead of….anyway the point I was making was that if we did try to trap it on the Tardis it could go catastrophically for us if it got loose in there." He went back and placed his hoof on the Tardis door. "I've seen what could happen if somepony abuses this power, and I worry about it every night."