chapter one

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*Melissa's POV*
OMG. Ryan is coming up to me! I fix my dirty blonde hair down, making sure it just perfect for him. "Why is he coming up to me" I nervously think as he finally approaches me.
"Hey, I know we don't know each other that well, but can I ask you something? Do you ever feel like we are meant for each other even though we know so little about each other?" Ryan whispers in my ear, a soft whisper only heard by myself in these crowded halls. I shiver as his breath tickles my hair by my ear. Does he feel this way about me? I've felt this way about him for as long as i can remember.
"Ryan, yes I-" I start breathily, losing control of myself as this is a dream come true.
"Shhh. Follow me," he giggles seductively in my ear before pulling me to the nearest janitor closet. We get inside and he locks the door.
"R-Ryan, w-what are y-" I try to say but he's already kissing me. It starts off as a slow gentle kiss, but then I feel his urgency pick up and the kiss becomes more fast paced. He moves his hand that is in my hair, lower and-

*SLAM* I jump as the locker next to me is slammed shut loudly. Oh no, I was doing it again. It always stops before it gets to crazy. Maybe its just God telling me to stop being a thirsty hoe.
"Umm, why are you just standing here? Lunch started 5 minutes ago." I turn around and see Reece and Menstruation.
"Oh hey guys," I blush, thinking that only a few seconds ago I was thinking dirty thoughts. I see Menstruation roll her eyes and Reece sigh dramatically. I bet they know what I was thinking about.
"Jesus Christ, I can see you're lady boner springing wildly, pal. Might wanna chill on the XXXRyanHub that's constantly playing in your head, this is a public place," Menstruation snorts, dragging me to the cafeteria.
"She's just thinking of Daddy Ryan. UuuuHHH!" Reece moans, as we reach the cafeteria, and we head to our table. At the table I see the usual crowd. Autumn and Zack sitting awfully close to each other with Autumn laughing loudly at something Zack probably just said, Tyler and Raquel looking like they are trying to talk but then awkwardly looking down to their phones, Jocelyn and Jaicee talking excitedly about something, Madi, Skylar, and Jenna being loud, Madi's cackle cutting through the cafeteria, and some boys, like Reece's boyfriend, Braeden and just some othe- HOLY COW WHY IS RYAN AT THE TABLE. I look at Reece and Menstruation, and they just smile and shrug, moving to their spots, and leaving the only open spot NEXT TO RYAN. I start to move there but then Skylar hops up and drags me to the bathroom.
"What the hell?!?" I yell when we are inside the bathroom. Skylar has this wild look in her eye and I shut up immediately.
"Listen bitch," she spits,"I know you think you're gonna steal Ryan from me but sister, it ain't ever gonna happen." I am in shock. Firstly, Skylar never cusses. Secondly, we are best friends, and we've known we both liked him for a while. Why was she being like this?
"He's not yours Skylar, and he hasn't paid any attention to us ever. Why this now?" I ask, pleadingly.
"Shut up whore. I know exactly what you did," she growled before stalking out of the bathroom, not towards the cafeteria. I head back to the cafeteria and see the Ryan spot is still open. I move to sit there, Ryan looking at me smiling. FREAKING SQUIRT AM I RIGHT GOD DADDY AF. I ignore my constant mind yelling and sit.
"Hey, how's it going?" he grins, taking a bite of some nachos. I swear to god, he's so freaking sexy I just wanna suck his neck.
"It's going alright" I manage out. He doesn't seem to notice my awkwardness," Why did you choose to sit at our table today? Don't you normally sit by the front?" I say, gesturing to the front.
"Ha, yeah, but Menstruation asked if I wanted to sit with y'all today. It was totally random, but I guess shes like that. Hey, why don't you come to my party this Saturday? I already invited everyone else at the table. My parents are out of town so we're gonna have a good ole party. You down?"
OMG. I feel like yelling and sweating and dancing. He just invited me to his party!
"Yeah, I'll be there can't wait ;)" I respond cooly.
"Wait why did you say semicolon parenthesis out lou-"
Everyone in the cafeteria turned and looked at me, but I was too shocked to notice. That was Skylar!

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