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The days were long and dry. The nights were cold and still. The stars were nothing but twinkles of light shimmering in the dark abyss known as the night sky. The clouds were still and the air was thick. The smell of fire mixed with the aroma of fresh blood and rotting flesh surrounded the kingdom. The sounds of screaming sung throughout its very walls.

Yet there, in the midst of it all stood a young boy. A small boy with long white hair, the purest white  anyone had ever seen. His eyes like rubies the color of blood. Skin so pale that even the snow surrounding him would have seemed tanned in comparison. There he stood in what once was an all white night gown. That in which had once been used for sleep now covered in the darkest of crimson red. His eyes were as lifeless as the bodies that surrounded him.
The boy stared into the nothingness which was the night, rembering what he'd just witnessed.


He had just returned home to the castle from running errands down in the village. He was sent there by his sister to pick up some medicine from the farmers market in town. The owner also happened to be a medicinal user and was rather close to her.
His mother and brother had fallen sick. Their father would be away for a while, and his sister wanted them to be well before he returned. So as to not worry him any more than he already was.
" Go into the village down below just on the other side of the forest.  Make sure to get everything on that list. We want Okaa-san and Nii-san to get better soon." She said to him in a sweet but stern voice. She was wearing a long silky white sundress. Her hair as long as her inner knees in all of its purple glory. Her eyes were like pale pearls as they shown through even the dark.
"Right! You can count on me Nee-chan." He shouted as he darted towards the front of the mansion.
"Hold it right there Otoutou~. Your  not going alone. Samale, Lylith, and Christopher are going to accompany you." She said in a slightly mocking tone.

He wasn't going to complain. In fact he was quite excited. He was bouncing with joy, clinging to Legna. He was going to ask where they were when He was cut off by swift movements spinning him away from his sister and into the arms of another.
"Lucifer-sama!!! Oh how I've missed you and your soft hair!" He  was greeted with a tight life threatening hug. I looked up to see an red-orange haired boy with onyx orbs staring back into my blood ruby red ones. "C-can't... br-breath......A-air....p-pl-please!!!" I managed to huff out as I slowly suffocated I'm the arms of the other.  "Oh..uh..sorry Lucifer-sama!" Said the fox colored other as they loosened their grip on me. As I gasped for air I turned to see my attempted murderer. I was greeted with a smile as a boy with fox colored hair stood in front of me. He wore what resembled a Yukata only shorter. Though it was a little cold for it. It was a light teal color laced with what seemed to be a painted, royal blue, flame pattern at the hem and sleeves. His feet were bare as his sun kissed skin touched the rugged floor. 
Samale. "Sam-chan!" I'd almost screamed from joy. For a moment I was taken aback. There was something missing. Then it finally dawned on me. "Where are Chris and Lylith-sama?" I asked in a quizitorial manner. "They said they would meet us at the gates of the kingdom." He replied simply. I gave a nod as we turned to headed for door. As I said goodbye my sisters words rang out in my head.
  "Be careful as you enter the village of the humans. You must not let them realize that you aren't one of them. Remember beware the necromancer for he may seem sweet as the juiciest of fruits hanging into the tree, but in the end he will be just as rotten as those that have fallen from it." She warned.
I didn't  understand what she was saying so I gave Samale a side glance. He must have taken note of my discombobulation, seeing as he knitted his brows and shrugged. Almost as if saying ' your guess is as good as mine'. We both nodded saying we understood although that couldn't have been farther from the truth.

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