Percy Jackson In Forks (Twilight Percy/Jacob)

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"Flight 25 to Forks, Washington. Passengers boarding now please" A voice said from the loudspeakers making Percy groan.

He walks into the plane, still a little nervous, even though Uncle Zeus had promised him that the flight would be safe, he still didn´t like flying one bit. He was going to his uncle, Charlie, and his cousin, Bella, in Forks for about 6 months. His mom wanted him to spend some time with them before being reborn again as a god and he had no problem with that, except that it´s so far away and he had ADHD so the flight was going to be hell for him. 

Good thing that he was the champion of Hestia now, because he absolutely hate plane food and now he could just make what ever food he wanted appear in his bag. Plus he is all warm and cosy.

His hair is jet black and his eyes are a stunning sea green and they look like the ocean, like waves are flowing inside of them. The only difference about him is that now he has a tattoo around his eye. It looks like flames are coming out of them and it´s really cool. He is tall, 6´3 and pretty muscular and according to Aphrodite and her daughters "as hot as the burning sun". He will admit that he became better looking thank´s to the blessing of Aphrodite. '

When he sat in his seat a woman and a child came and sat down beside him and he smiled warmly at them and started making funny faces to the little child, who in return laughed at him, making the mother smile at Percy.

"You are great with kids" She said and set her son down in the seat in the middle.

"I have always loved kids and it´s funny seeing them laugh. What´s your name?" He asks her.

"My name is Anna and this is Sam" Anna answers, pointing at her daughter.

"Ok nice to meet you Anna, Sam" He says smiling.

About half way through the plane ride Sam began crying and Anna could not get her to stop. After a while the other passengers began to complain and Percy got a little mad at them. Could they not see that she was trying?

"Here let me try" He said to Anna who handed her son over.

Sam snuggled into his body because of the heat he was giving away and that it felt like home, just like when he hugged Hestia for the first time. Percy began to sing softly in Greek

Νάνι νάνι το παιδί μου.

Έλα Ύπνε ύπνωσέ το 

και γλυκά ‘ποκοίμησέ το.

Έλα ύπνε ‘πό τ’ αμπέλια,

πάρ’ το παιδί μου από τα χέρια.

Πάρ’ το σύρ’ το στα μαντράκια,

να κοιμάται σαν τ’ αρνάκια,

να κοιμάται σαν τ’ αρνάκια,

να ξυπνά σαν τα κατσικάκια.

(Nani nani my child. 

Come Sleep make it sleep 

and sweetly lull it.

Come Sleep from the vineyards

take my child from the hands.

Take it to the sheepcote 

to sleep like a little lamb, 

to sleep like a little lamb,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2014 ⏰

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