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Mandy: des pa ci to

Justin: u text me first💖

Mandy: just in case my baby boy released his new song

Justin: my baby boy?
Justin: ure so cute

Mandy: thats what I called Justin lol

Justin: so wdyt about his new song?

Mandy: #1
Mandy: I can't stop singing even tho the only part I understand is when they said despacito

Justin: fuck me dead, me too

Mandy: fuck me dead^ is my things

Justin: haha guess u inspired me lol

Mandy: finally, I'm inspiring someone

Justin: so u still like Justin Bieber? even he can be a dick sometimes

Mandy: you care bout him don't u
Mandy: but what u said is true, I love him no matter what. I'm here from the start and I'll never stop supporting him til the end of my life. His music inspire me a lot, I could say his my lifesaver and his my sunshine. When everybody put the bad news on him but the TRUTH IS he has angelic attitude, I feel i want to slap their face so fucking hard. And I want him to know that I always here, by his side

Justin: I guess he already knew it

Mandy: how do u kno

Justin: I mean justin and his belieber have strong relationship rit? So Justin already knew how supporting them and i think he love all his wifes from the bottom of his heart

Mandy: want to cri
Mandy: u seems know a lot bout Justin don't u

Justin: not much

Mandy: u fucking fake fan


kalo gue bikin mandy blasteran indo-amerika gpp y ;-)

btw selamat sekolah y semuanya, gua mah msh dirumah ena2 trus ma justin ;-)))


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