The Dark Night

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     Shouts were heard echoing down the hallway of the large castle. The sound of shoes hitting the linoleum were piled on top of all of shouting, and it was followed by the twin doors to the throne room slamming open. The hoard of angry humans had searched the room without moving an inch. A young male reached behind himself and pulled an arrow from the bag strapped to his back, and he lifted the bow that he had held as he aimed right beside the thrown.

     There was a sad chuckle heard as the female suddenly appeared, her long locks flowing down her back as she released them from the hood of the cloak that she had draped over her shoulders. Violet orbs faded to Ruby, and the female turned her attention to the male whom was aiming at her. Tears had begun to roll down her pale cheeks as she forced a smile at the once familiar face. The female shifted and had begun to walk down the stairs that had led to the throne.

     She had approached the male whom was aiming at her, and the other humans slowly backed away, ready to attack because she was the threat. Slowly, the female had reached her hands out and she gingerly cupped his cheeks in-between her ice cold hands.

     "Well, it would appear that you've won. Go on. Shoot me... Kill me like the monster I am." She spoke, ruby eyes staring down into those of emerald. Emerald eyes that were now shaking as he had realized whom he was threatening.

     "What are you waiting for?! Do it!! Kill that monster!!" Many from the angry mob had shouted. "Kill her! Kill her! Kill her!" They had begun to chant.

     A bead of sweat rolled down the male's cheek as he stared at those familiar eyes, his voice caught in his throat as he was at a loss of words. Suddenly, blood splurted onto his cheek, and the princess mustered a weak smile. She dropped to the ground, and once she was down, a man had been standing there, holding a now bloodstained sword.

     A gasp escaped the male as he stared down at the now seemingly deceased vampire. He took heavy, shaking, breaths as his emerald eyes shook, flooding with tears as he finally grasped the gravity of the situation.

    "Li---- Liliana..... LILIANA!!"


Ten years prior

     The young female had run into the throne room, her face bright and full of joy as she ran to her father, small arms now thrown onto him. The man looked at his daughter in surprise, and he smiled some, returning the embrace as he looked at her.

     "Liliana, darling, what are you doing in here? Weren't you playing with your little friend?"

     The girl smiled and she shook her head. "He had to go home! His mama was calling for him." She stated with a  dorky grin.

     He pulled her up to place a gentle kiss on her cheek, and then he placed her on the ground. The man then stood. He had stood at least six feet, with longish, jet-black, hair that was neatly brushed. He had a fit structure, and a kind and welcoming smile. He was dressed in a formal king's attire-- well, that of a vampire king, and a crown of gold was proudly presented atop his head.

     Ruby eyes narrowed down at his seven year old daughter, and he smiled at her some. Taking a few steps down the stairs, he turned to look back at her.

     "Some day this will all be yours, my child."

     The child nodded as she looked around the massive throne room. "I know that, Papa."

     "Well, that's a relief to hear. Go play now, darling. I will have a servant fetch for you when dinner is to be served."

     "Okay!!" She exclaimed and she ran off, a childish grin on her pale face.

     His ruby orbs remained locked on her as she ran out of the room, and he slowly breathed out. Turning on his heel, he had walked back to the throne and he had taken a seat. For the time remaining, the kingdom was at peace, and everyone was thriving and living happily.

     About two hours or so had passed, and the raven haired girl was now sitting outside in the dead garden, a frown placed on her face. The garden had been dead for as long as she could remember.... Violet hues turned to look up at the dark sky, and she sighed softly. Had she ever witnessed a sunny day? Not that it would matter if she could, the sun would end up burning away at her flesh and she wouldn't be able to get close to it.

     There was commotion coming from within the castle, and the child looked up, her eyebrows knitting together in suspicion. What could possibly be going on? She pushed herself up to go investigate for herself.

     The twin doors to the throne room were torn open by angry citizens, angry humans. The king only lifted his chin slightly to lay his gaze on the people, a look of disgust suddenly befitting him.

     "Alexander Ethelio Baskerville, you shall reign over the people no longer! We will take down your monarchy once and for all!!" A man said, stepping forward as if he were the leader of the rebels.

     "Was taking my beloved's life not enough to satisfy your hunger for death?" The king bellowed as he rose from his throne, his eyes dark and full of spite and hatred. "Pety humans, must I REMIND you of your place?"

     In a flash, he was holding one of the rebels. Taking his hand, he slit the human's throat, killing him instantly and he dropped him on the ground. Ruby eyes were now a deep shade of crimson as he raised his head to look at the remaining rebels.

     "Who's next."

     One of the men jumped on the king's back, and the vampire reached behind him, ripping the human off of himself to throw him into the wall as hard as he could, for sure shattering every bone in his body instantly, killing him from the impact. Brutal deaths were delivered to the men, one by one in their feeble attempt to kill the king.

     He dusted his hands off as he looked at his work, spitting on their dead bodies in disgust as he wiped the blood off of his cheek. A voice quickly caught his attention.

     "Papa! What's going on?" Liliana asked as she stepped into the room, beginning to slow to a stop just as he shouted at her to move. In a single moment, the leader of the rebellion had launched a wooden stake with a bow, and right at the child. In a single breath, Liliana's eyes were wide with fear as her father stood in front of her, taking the blow right to the chest.

     Throwing up a massive amount of blood, the vampire's head fell forward slightly. "Liliana... I want you to listen to me, okay?.... I need for you to run. Run away from this castle as far as you can and never return..."

     Tears poured down her face as she stared at the man that had done absolutely everything for her. "Papa---"

     "Go!" He snapped at her.

     "What about you?!"

     "I'll catch up, I promise. Just... Listen to papa, and run away now..." The child shook her head and she turned to run away.

     "Oh, and Liliana, one more thing, pumpkin.... Papa loves you."

     "I know, papa... I love you too..." She sobbed out as she dashed off, soon disappearing from sight.

     Ruby eyes now focused back on the human in front of him and he smirked slightly. "Now then, let's have at it." He declared as he lunged forward, grabbing at the male's throat.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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