"Dudes, WE going to have the best time of our life", so who brought the Food, umm Stacy and Chad brought the games and i brought the movies and Mac has the music. Good guys, we making some progress. Dude stop talking and lets go in already, Chad Interrupted. "Shut up that's why your mom is dead"Said Brock. Ohhh burn, Mac yelled. shut up....Chad said with a tear rolling down his eye. Guys leave him alone, he is only trying to help, Stacy Exclaimed. Whatever, Bro let go check this place out Mac, Brock yelled while running into the house and Mac trailed after him. Thanks for sticking up for me Stac, Chad whispered. No problem, its the Least i can do After those two meatheads always pick on you, dude you have to stand up for yourself. I dont know why, lets just explore the house OK . Fine run away from your problems your going to have to face them someday, Stacy said. Dude, the old man was rich...look at this stuff,Chad Exclaimed. Leave it alone, Stacy said, I have a eerie feeling about this place but i can't Remember. Im going to explore the basement, Chad said. Your retarded, its your death wish, Stacy said and continued t o rummage though the old boxs of stuff. ill show her, she believes all of theses folk tales, only a infant would believes such tales. Chad was walking down the decaying and molding basement and found nothing but a Cracked mirror in the corner of the room and a dusty skeleton in the other. FUCK, Im going to throw up, Chad Screamed.
Kill...Kill...Kill...Kill...! The voice was ringing in Chads ear. He was panicking. Bro, Just FUCK OFF, LEAVE ME ALONE,Vivid thoughts enter his mind of...Darkness Fell. Kill Those who mock you.... Kill those who love you... No one loves you.... you are mine now.
The Man in the Mirror
HorrorFive High School students are in their last year of school and ready for the time of their life but Fear Lurks every corner. Trust is lost, Bonds are broken, and people are missing left and right. It nothing at all... Just the Man in the mirror...