Erik And The Banana Peel

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~Bell rings~
"Late as usual," the teacher said as Erik sat down in. Erik knew that that specific teacher didn't like him much. He was always late, and got bad grades. His parents keep telling him that since he's 14, Erik needs to start looking for a summer job since he didn't have friends. Because of that, he's forced to eat by himself at lunch. He always gets bananas, even though he feels uncomfortable eating them. One of the benefits of a dirty mind. It isn't that he was a bad kid, it's just in his jeans. Literally. The teacher just kept going on and on about fruit it was making him hungry. "-ust need a volunteer to talk about a fruit," the teacher said, "what if I give extra credit?" Erik's hand immediately shot up since he REALLY needs the extra credit. "I would like to talk about bananas," Erik said. Erik walked up to the front of the class ready to speak.  He heard giggling as he realized his fly was down. He zipped it up as his face turned red and his hands started shaking. He started talking about a bunch of science about bananas and how they have good stuff. He unpeeled the banana to show them what it looked like underneath, but he dropped both the banana and the peel. Erik went to pick up the banana, but instead slipped on the banana peel and hit the back of his head hard on his teachers desk. When he woke up, all Erik saw where bananas. He seemed to be in a hospital of bananas. Erik didn't know what he was doing there, but then he remembered that traumatic moment he had in front of the class. Erik could feel his face turning red again, but before he could feel totally and completely embarrassed, he remembered that he could only see bananas. Everything was a banana. A banana in a white doctor's coat walked in. "How ya doin there kiddo?" The banana doctor said. "Where am I..?" Asked Erik. "Why you're in the banana world," the doctor started, "everything here is a banana." Erik looked at himself. He was a banana too! Just to be sure, he checked under his pants to be sure something important was there. It was. Erik sighed with relief. "But why am I here?" Erik asked. "You must've died because of a haunted banana." The doctor said. Erik looked confused. "Then why am I here..?" Erik asked. The banana doctor pulled a banana peel from his pocket. He tossed it at Erik. It landed on his forehead. He was about to take it off when a knife popped out of the banana peel and into Erik's head! His eyes turned glossy white as the banana doctor smiled and rolled him in banana peels. He looked like a perfectly wrapped banana. The banana doctor then placed him with other bananas, and were soon picked up at the super market by an unsuspecting customer.

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