Chains and Whips, Chapter 1

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Dear Diary,

Alright let's get one thing straight, I am not, I repeat NOT a submissive, and I'm not a mistress either. I'm just plain old me. Well not old old, I'm not even 17 yet.

Ok where was I? Oh yea, I am not a submissive or a mistress or a switch or anything, I'm not even into that stuff. I hate how people automatically assume just because my parents own almost all the kink clubs in the country, and are well known in the BDSM world, that I'm gunna follow in their footsteps. I mean sure, my older brother Axle did, and so did my sister Amber, but that doesn't mean I will!

My whole life I've been surrounded by people saying, "Oh Rylie will make such a good submissive one day!" or "She's going to be such an awesome mistress!" or even "I so hope that she likes older men cause the things I would do to her." I've tried explaining countless times that I want no part of any of this, but that just seems to make the idiots of this world try harder! Ugh, I swear I hate people.

Everyone instantly assumes just because I come from a kinky, super rich family that I'm going to be this high end little princess. Yea fuckin right! Give me skinny jeans and converse any day of dresses and heels.

Well it's almost time for school (ugh kill me) so I guess I need to stop writing now.

See ya later Diary,


I closed the little blue book and set it back on my night stand where it belonged. My best friend Tex had gotten me it for Christmas last year and I'd written in it almost daily since.

I was lacing up my black converse just as I heard my fathers authoritative voice call up from downstairs.

"Rylie Alexander I swear if you aren't down here in three minutes I'll come up there and punish you myself!"

Ha yea right, he wouldn't touch me. He may be a super powerful dominant, but he'd never lay a hand on his little girl. Even so, I knew that I shouldn't ignore him, so I grabbed my slouch bag from the chair at my desk and made my way downstairs.

Once I reached the top of the grand staircase, I hopped up on the banister and slid down it, my feet landing softly on the white marble floor. Like I said, uber rich family, so we have a giant house.

It consisted of, a huge kitchen that was the size of a school cafeteria, 7 bedrooms each with their own privet bathroom, 3 half bathrooms, a parlor room, a lounge room, two media rooms, a formal dining room and a regular dining room, a ball room, and of course the 5 playrooms. Why five you ask? One for my parents, one for my sister, one for my brother, one for myself (not that it's used) and one for guests.

In the center of it all was the grand staircase I had just slid down. Going left would bring you to the recreation half of the house, and going right would bring you to the kitchen and such. You could also pull on a certain part of the banister and the door that leads to the basement and playrooms would open. Right in front of the stairs was our huge, white front door.

I threw it open just as a small fist raised to knock, and ended up getting hit in the face right on my nose.

"Ohmagursh!! RyRy I am sooo sorry! Please forgive me! I swear I didn't mean it, it was an accident! Please don't be mad, I would never hit you on purpose! You just opened the door right as I knocked and- oh no I'm sorry that sounds like I'm blaming you! I'm not I swear, it was totally my fault. Oh god I'm so-"

"Say sorry one more time and I'll gag you, Tex," I said, looking him dead in the eye, trying to keep a serious look on my face.

His whole face lit up bright red, and he stumbled to find his words. God it was easy to get him flustered, no wonder he's a sub.

"I was kidding! God dude lighten up!" I laughed a little as I punched his arm playfully.

"Not cool RyRy, you had me worried there," he said, a pout crossing his adorable little face.

"Awwe Tex-Mix, you're so cute when you're all pouty." I said, using the silly nickname I made for him when we were ten.

"He is, almost cute enough to eat," my older brother Axle said, coming from behind me and tilting Tex's chin up, a sly grin on his face, "How bout I eat you for breakfast, would you like that Texy?"

"I-I, u-um, I d-don't think.. um.." Tex stammered profoundly, a blush covering his usually pale face.

Axle smirked at him and dropped his chin, "Maybe later then. You'll be mine some day, just wait."

And with that, he turned and disappeared in the kitchen. Leaving a disgusted me and an extremely embarrassed Tex in his wake.

"I thought we agreed you wouldn't frick-frack with my brother! I don't care if he started it, I refuse to have my bestie getting it on with my brother, it's weird!"

"I can't help it if he's sexy!" Tex whined, making me roll my eyes.

"My brother isn't sexy, he's like.. fat hairy ginger in a speedo ugly."

"Ewwwwwwe!! Why would you put that image in my head?!"

I giggled and grabbed his hand, dragging him out the door, "Shush your whining, we're gunna be late for school if you don't hurry up!"

I dragged him over to his shining black Lamborghini. Yea, he's pretty well off in the money department as well. I hoped in the passenger side seat and he got in the drivers side, quickly pulling out of my long driveway and starting on the way to school.

As he drove the morning sun lit up his sandy blonde hair and make his porcelain skin seem to shine. He had his green blue eyes focused on the road, his small hands gripping the steering wheel. Tex was pretty small for a guy, but not super tiny at 5'6, and about 115 pounds.

He was taller than me by 2 inches, but a lot shorter than Axle who was nearly 6'5. Axle and Tex were total opposites, where Tex had light hair and skin, Axle had Raven black hair and sported a tan year round, Tex was small and frail whilst Axle was tall and buff, and of course Axle was a dominant and Tex was submissive.

Their eyes were similar though, and they both liked men; though Axle was bisexual and Tex was fully gay.

"Hey Ry? Were here, stop spacing," Tex said as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh? Oh sorry," I smiled, "just thinking bout stuff."

"Well come on, we can't be late for the first day!"

"Alright alright."

I climbed out of his car and looked up at the huge private school. My eyes looked at the writing over the door that read, Welcome to BDSM High!

Jesus I hate my life.

(A/N the pic is what Rylie looks like)

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