Chapter 1- Death-Hood

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"Crunch crunch crunch."
"Urgh I'm making too much noise"
I whispered.
"Where has my group gone? Where have they gone?"
I said frantically under my breath, with each mutter being slightly louder then the last as my eyes swell with tears and my hands shaking more sporadicly with each whimper of my voice.
"Erghreh!! Aher, aher, ahuerk! Martha! Jordan! Keith..."
I flop too the floor in a bout of my own tears and sweat as I hear the moaning and groaning of other fallen men and women inching closer and closer and closer, until one of them took a huge chunk of my leg, I yelled, "marh! Har! Gah hurh hurh huer."
"Kei-Kei-kei-th - Jordan... Martha" I mutter my last few words as a living breathing being as I start my slow descent into deathhood.

"Argh!" I screamed as another one of the reanimated rips out my insides and consumes my flesh just as another gleefully slurps up my innards. There I lay for a minute before my prolonged and excruciating death occurred, and yet another minute passed before I was reanimated which by that time all the foul creatures had vanished. I could still feel the pain, each inch of my still warm yet lifeless and unmoved body. I tried too talk but my larynx had been ripped out, I couldn't even moan like the other dead ones, which I would be, extremely loudly, if I could. I tried moving my arms but that was more painful then staying still but, I then heard a sound and I felt a sensation of pleasure and an urge to discover the source. I reached out and stood up, I tried too see but one of my eyes had been ripped from its socket, along with the socket, and half my nostril. Despite that my sense of smell had increased significantly, too the point I could smell more, different things, It just so happens that I caught one of those scents. I inhaled slowly and exhaled even slower, I crept towards the bushes of which birthed the scent, hearing a noise behind me, I turn to see what it is.
The next thing I know, I'm on the floor. A lycant towering over me.

I tried screaming, in obvious failure, it growled at me, and it bit me. I had never seen a lycant fighting a reanimated before, but now I'm witnessing it first person. I was struggling to escape but then, instead of trying to wriggle from it's grip, I bit it's nose and it whimpered, it attempted escape but I jumped on it's back as quickly as it turned around, and bit its head. I rammed my fist into its jaw, through its mouth into its throat causing it too choke and tumble too the ground. I bit into its chest ripping out a chunk of its flesh, in my feelings of success I accidentally gave way for it too rip at my face, sticking its tongue out too relish the blood dripping from my wound, it gripped my neck and I flailed before bitting his leg and tucking it from its socket. It once again attempted escape but I pulled it back with its tail, maiming its back with a sharp crunch of its spine as it fell too it's back. I could see it losing willpower, which only granted me it. I ripped at its stomach and it died, killing these things was much simpler when I could use weapons other then my teeth and nails.

I was knelt as I tore apart it's flesh and devoured it's carcass with my own sharpening teeth, it's blood dripping into my mouth as I held parts of its body above my head. I got a new sensation, one I never felt before, I couldn't explain it but I loved it, I wanted it again. I may not be able too groan but I certainly can masticate, I licked my lips with every bite of my dead adversary. It was only when I went too rip out it's intestines was I rudely interrupted by some humans.

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