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I watched as he chose my sister, others are afraid of picking her because of me, and what I'll do to them when no ones watching,
it's a well known fact that am the best fighter in the land, well almost, he is the one person I can't beat, when the two of us are pitted against each other it always ends up in a tie, he is strong, am fast, he knows  more fighting skills than me, I know more tricks than him, he is ruled by anger, and I let's just say am ruled by logic, but not at all times, such as this,
  We live in a planet called bastul  which is divided into two kingdoms which are always at war with themselves. Rumor has it that there was once a time when there was peace over the whole land, and it was two brothers both princes that had a falling out and thus divided the kingdom, they hated each other so much they sent assassins to kill each other, no one knows why they hate each other, no one even remembers why there is a feud between the kingdoms,

I guess you're just trained to hate the other kingdom from birth, and  let's not forget the damage each kingdom has caused to each other, killing families, friends, lovers, leaving you with nothing and your only reason to live is destroying the other side,

Not that they've killed anyone I care about, I come from the part called Eastul,from the name it's pretty obvious that it's on the eastern side, we were trained to be fearless, take commands even though they sounded stupid, and have no feelings therefore as soon as we reach a certain age we are asked to kill one of our loved ones .
  In Eastul, you're either a fighter,a servant,peasant or royal. servants aren't allowed to have children, the consequence of disobeying this rule is dire,the sons and daughters of the fighters are all raised under their parents roof, but basically raised by servants, when the children of fighters reach 13 they are made to kill one of their family members ,ie if they are not in the royalcollestus, (it's a place assigned for fighters and servant who do special functions ,which will be mentioned later)
  Only children of fighters have this great burden, which is become a fighter or a servant ,kill one of your loved ones and become a fighter don't kill and become a servant ,I killed my mom to become a fighter, which is why my sister who chose to be a servant hates me, and my dad  looks at me with disgust, it's no secret that my dad and mom fell in love when they got married, over here in Eastul we don't marry for love, well only the peasants do, I guess in some ways they are lucky and the fighters know that, that's why they bully them,
But commmooooon!!!!!!!  Give me a break he did the same thing, he killed a loved one that's why he is a fighter, so why does he hate me, why does he have to be a hypocrite, servants are mistreated, raped beaten, killed and no one does anything about it, why?  Because they are servants ,and I wasn't gonna stand by and let all these things happen to me, mom understood that, she insisted i kill her.
It's a common practice for the fighters to pick any servant of their choice, and copulate with them, yes I said copulate, its cause they do it like animals,not caring if the servant will survive after it, fighters can buy servants not with money but by accomplishing missions, I've demanded to buy my sis, I've accomplished so many missions but they won't give me her because someone is also demanding to buy her, his name is Eric,he is my nemesis ,he always wants what I want, I guess it's because I took what he wanted most, well that's a story for another time, let's get back to the present.
Right now he is choosing my sis terinda , he does this every time, uses her as some sex toy, she always comes out bleeding, even though in public I act like I hate my sis, I love her, I don't want anyone to know I do, they'll use her against me

I snorted "let the girl rest,she still can't work straight from the last time you used her" all the other guys who were there laughed at that

while he smiled and said "She's just a servant, she's meant to be used till she dies" the audience hushed at this, they knew this was a sore spot for me

"She still has my blood, that's worth something, now leave her be " I said with my voice as hard as stone

"Is that a command, love?" He asked,

"your blood in this poor servant, why don't you kill her and put her out of her misery? " he paused "on second thought ,don't, am still not done with her, i know you want to buy her so you could torture her,and i want to do the same,so why cant we torture her together?or do you have feelings for her" he challenged openly

In case anyone is in doubt whether I hate Eric, well let me help you clarify ,i hate him, if I was the sun, he was the moon,if I was the day he was the night, if I was the north he was the south, one thing common about these mental illustrations is that they were opposite and never supposed to meet

He always,openly challenged me at every turn,i knew some of the fighters were loyal to him which was disheartening since they should be loyal to me, after all I am their leader, I won the competition, and though I am their leader I have no one who I can  trust completely, but I swore to myself that I was gonna show them all.

I turned to terinda, I slapped her so hard she collapsed, that got cheers from the men, i dragged my sis on floor as i walked out.

Outside the building I dropped her leg, which was the part of the body I was holding to drag her then commanded some fighters to bring her to my chambers, I walked briskly behind them,
When they left I got up and locked the door, I carried her to the bed, I didn't mind the fact that she was all dirty and smelling and would dirty the bed, I studied her while I cleaned her with a wet cloth, we are so different, not only in character but in appearance, she is a brunette, am a blond, I take after my dad in that department, she has eyes as black as midnight,she looks soft,gullible on the outside but I know she is strong on the inside, I'd have committed suicide long ago if I were in her shoes, to experience the  amount of beating,and humiliation and to still wake up the next day to go through it again takes alot of guts,I was snapped out of my reverie
by the sound of a whip, I continued cleaning her body, I hate violence, which is funny because am where I am today is because of  violence, because of the people I've killed, both the innocent and the guilty you'd think that after doing it so frequently that it would be easier to kill the next victim, but it never is, for me the saying time heals all wounds is a tale, maybe it did in the past or with other people,but not me, i still remember the first person i killed clearly, as if it was yesterday

*************Authors note ****************
I need to know what you guys think, don't have any plans about the book, am open to suggestions, If you hate it vote, if you love it vote,if you don't have any feelings for it vote,
it may seem like i don't care with my funny,note about the story but am going to change that once i know how the story is going,
this is not my book its our book,just make your suggestions and theories and i'l see how i can piece everything together,I haven't edited it yet but if you note major mistakes you could tell me,

The next chapter is going to be a flash back retelling how she killed her mom

am not usually a talkative and I do skip authors note when reading other people's book if the authors note is too boring or has a cheesy sound, thank you for reading this far, and I'll shut up now, I mean, stop typing now .

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