How did I get Here? (I guess you can call it a Ouran High School Fanfic?)

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Okay, so this is going to be a story that will be Ouran High School Host club related, but with my twists on it. I do not own Ouran High school Host Club so chill. :3


My name is Skylar, Skylar Marie Frost. I live in the U.S.A in a small town in California. Everyone knows everyone here. We aren't the richest community either... and my family happens to be the poorest in our comminity. We live in a broken house with holes in the roof and holes in the floor ect. My mother and father are both only had high school education. My mother cannot work because of her high blood pressure and my father struggles to find a job that will hire him. I have three sibblings, but two of them moved out and have their own families now. The one that stills lives in this house is my older brother who is a senior in high school his name being Weaston Terrence Frost. Yes we have strange names...

Me and my brother look similiar. Terrence and I both are tallish, we both have jet black hair, and our face structure is similiar. Only difference is that I have green eyes while he has blue and I have to were glasses because I am nearly bind. We act totally different. My brother is funny, popular, handsome, atheletic, has a fantastic smile, outgoing and excells higher than I ever could. While i am serious, an outcast, not the prettiest girl, unatheletic, anti-social, and falls slightly below his grades by one percent... Anways....


"Skylar! Terrance!! Time to get up!" my mother called to us. I got up and ran I hand through my matted mess of raven black hair.

"Hehe you look like a gorrilla," my brother said from across the room. Me and him had to share a room since our house is small.

"Well isn't that what every girl wants to hear in the morning," I growled at him. I got out of bed and trudged down the hall to get to the dinning room.

"Here you go sweetie," My mother smiled at me and handed me a plate of hashbrowns and bacon. My brother strolled in 100% awake, dressed, and not even a little bit looking like a gorrilla. How I wish I could be that perfect. He grabbed and apple and a piece of toast.

"Bye mom see ya later," He hugged her and left the house to go to school while I was still have asleep. I narrowed my eyes to were he once stood. Why does he have to be so God dang perfect stupid idiot...

I finished my breakfast and went back to my room. I grabbed some black stretchy skinny jeans, a Cryaotic shirt and grabbed black and white converse. I looked into the mirror and put on my eyeliner and mascara. I looked at my reflection. I had pale skin, unlike my brother, and my bangs fell into my eyes. I moved them aside and looked through my black big nerdy looking glasses into my green eyes. I saw nothing I looked dead, like I had no emotions... yet I continue to feel. I moved my eyes to my nose it had a slight point and was small. My lips were thin and chapped. I had pimples here and there, but they were the nasty looking one... I turned away and continued my day to go to school.

****After School and Homework****

"Don't be out there too long Skylar!" my father yelled.

"And be careful!" my mother yelled.

"I know, I know!" I yelled back with a smile. I entered my backyard petting my mixed dog as I walk to the giant tree in my backyard. I put my hand on it and looked up. I've always wanted to climb a tree so today I will. I started climbing being careful not to rip my good clothes or reck my only shoes. As I continued to climb it got more and more dark because of all the leaves. I continued to climb up to the very top. I saw the light and climbed. once I was up I starred at the view of all the houses, but mostly starring at the sunset turning everything orange. How long have I been out here? I check my phone wow two hours? It felt like minutes. I looked down to the ground and it was extremely far down. Probably not a good idea to jump, so down I go...

I started to climb down to the ground smiling at my little acomplishment. I was about half way down and I was stepping on the same branches I did when going up. Except one of the branches made a strange crackling sound. Not good... Suddenly the branch snapped and the branch I was holding onto for other support snapped because of the sudden weight. I screamed and closed my eyes refusing to see the ground that will crumple my body like paper... I'm going to die today... I'm so young, God why?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2014 ⏰

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How did I get Here? (I guess you can call it a Ouran High School Fanfic?)Where stories live. Discover now