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(above is the image poster for リアル鬼ごっこ, riaru onigokko, or tag. it's an amazing movie and i recommend it to anyone who has never watched it before. it's on netflix if you do wish to watch it! now on to the story <3)

the bus drove along the road at a moderate pace.

there were no other cars on the road, which i guess was good. we continued to drive, some of the girls i rode on the bus with screaming at some of the men on the road, things like the hotel we're staying in. i wrote in my small journal, writing small blurbs of songs.
"hey! who thinks pillow fights make a good school trip?" a girl yelled. everyone on the bus except me yelled back, smiling. they all pulled out pillows, throwing them at each other.
feathers spread around the bus quickly.
the chaperone at the front of the bus turned around, yelling.
"girls, that's enough! put away the pillows!"
and they listened.
we caught up to the other bus full of girls from out school, the girls waving at us quickly. they looked like they were having fun, too! i continued writing in my journal.
"eunwoo. are you writing those songs again?" a girl across from my seat asked. i looked at her, slightly confused.
"eunwoo and her songs." the girl next to the other interrupted, and giggled. the two girls giggled for a little bit, looking at me. i looked back at my journal, smiling slightly. "are you done yet? can i read one?" the girl reached over to me and grabbed the journal quickly, my pen falling into the aisle of the bus. i kept a tight grip on my journal, and the girls looked at the pen.
"whoops. sorry."
they rolled their eyes, not impressed for some reason. i looked at them, pouting a little bit. they looked away from me quickly. i started looking for my pen, seeing it in the aisle. i got down and crouched, seeing the feathers that were also scattered around my flowery pen. i grabbed it,  raising a brow as one of the feathers that were on the floor before was now caught in the pen itself. i looked at the feather, minding my own business.
scrape! crash!
huge sounds and gusts of wind clashed throughout the small world that we lived in. i didn't look up, removing the feather from my pen.
"what's that?" the girls in the seat next to me asked.
the same sounds again. i looked up, my small smile fading off completely. i looked around, bisected bodies now in the place of the bodies that were present before. i looked around, standing up in a daze. i didn't know what to do. my mind was racing, and i could suddenly hear every single sound that was going on around me. my senses were heightened. there was blood everywhere, and some was being sprayed onto me. the bus slowed down to a stop, and the wind gusts of wind came back. i heard them quickly and ducked, terrified. tears welled up in my eyes as i watched the gust of wind cut through telephone poles like they were butter. i quickly stumbled to the door of the bus to try to escape, my breath heavy. i turned left to right, sprinting in a random direction. i ran past the other bus full of girls, seeing their bisected bodies scattered around the road. i continued running down the road, hearing gusts of wind and crows scream in the distance. as i was running, i screamed as loud as i could. maybe, just maybe, someone would hear me. i continued running, seeing a small group of 4 friends.
"look out! get down! get down!" i yelled, trying to get the group to listen. they seemed to not hear me, so i ran faster and quickly tackled one of the girls in the group. the wind came quickly, bisecting the other 3 people in the group.
"what was that!?" the girl yelled, terrified.
"it's coming to get us!" i answered, just as scared as she was.
"what is!?"
before i could answer, a group of people riding bicycles and singing started riding past the girl and i. the girl stood up, and i stood with her.
"stop! stop! you're gonna die!" the girl yelled at the group.
and they didn't listen.
the gust of wind came quickly once again, slicing everyone, except me, in half cleanly. i stumbled back slightly, breathing heavily. i had no words, no actions to express how i was feeling. after a few seconds, i started running again, not knowing where i was heading in the slightest. i turned into a forest, not knowing what else to do. i ran quickly through the forest, breathing heavily and balling my hands into tight fists. i slowed down once i saw a river, breathing heavily and looking at the bodies scattered on the ground. they seemed to be girls in high school, but a different one than mine. i walked to the girl who had the least blood on her clothes, quickly ripping of my shirt and crying. i carefully unbuttoned the top that was on the girl's torso, putting it on and changing into the skirt as well. i walked into the river, splashing the water on my face and wetting my hair. i looked around at the world, my eyes wide as i looked at the dead bodies. i suddenly saw a light yellow sweater that looked almost untouched. i walked to it messily, picking it up and pulling it onto myself. i took a deep breath in, walking back through the forest and along a road, following it. i saw a large field of dead grass, sighing and seeing a large building across it. i shook my head slightly, starting to trudge my way through the dead grass. as i started to reach the end of the field, i saw a trail. i sniffled, getting to it and starting to walk along it aimlessly. as i continued walking, i walked into a huge pack of girls from a different high school. they were all talking as if they had no clue what had just happened. i looked around, three girls suddenly jumping in front of me excitedly.
"good morning, eunwoo!"
"good morning!"
i smiled slightly, bowing towards them and continuing to walk through the pack. all of a sudden, a hand randomly grabbed my shoulder, making me jump violently. i turned to the girl, seeing a familiar face.
"good morning, eunwoo! what's wrong? why's your hair all wet?" the familiar girl asked. i didn't answer. "what is it? you're acting strange, eunwoo."
"good morning, kyulkyung!" some girls on the street hollered to the familiar girl. i looked at the girl now known as 'kyulkyung' and realized who i was talking to.
"oh, hey, good morning!" kyulkyung said back, putting her hand up to say hi. my shoulders relaxed and my expression changed slightly.
"kyulkyung.." i said quietly. i grabbed her wrists, worried. "are you kyulkyung?" she just laughed.
"what are you saying?" she laughed some more. "let's just get to school." she started to walk off, but i stopped her.
"do we go to the same school!?" i asked frantically.
"eunwoo, tell me what's wrong." kyulkyung said softly. i stumbled through my words, looking around at the girls walking past.
"am i going insane!?"
"wow, you're shaking! you must be really scared. what's wrong?" she started to go in for a hug, gently stroking my hair. i breathed heavily, trying hard to steady my breaths. two girls came up to kyulkyung and i, smiling.
"morning!" the two greeted happily.
"why is your hair wet?" one of the girls asked.
"she's acting odd. like she forgot everything or something like that." kyulkyung looked at the girls.
"well then, eunwoo, are you prepared for today's test?" one of the girls asked mischievously.
"yeah, so kyulkyung can copy your answers after!" the girls laughed. i looked at them, confused.
"hey! shut it!" kyulkyung barked. then, out of nowhere, a gust of wind burst through the air and hit us hard. i ducked to the ground quickly, screaming and holding my ears so i didn't hear anything. i shut my eyes as tight as possible, breathing heavily. but nothing happened.
"that wind was odd. it came out of nowhere." one of the girls acknowledged.
"yeah. is she okay? something's odd with her." the other wondered. i stayed on the ground, not wanting to risk anything. kyulkyung got down to her knees, wrapping one of her arms around my back gently.
"yeah...something's wrong with you." she slowly picked me up, sighing. the two other girls started having their own conversations.
"the wind peeked at my panties!" one of the girls giggled.
"they're pink, right?" the other laughed.
"oh my god, shut up!" the first girl laughed with the other, blushing. kyulkyung decided to join into the conversation.
"you two aren't virgins, right?" she looked at the other two as we started walking to the school.
"why'd you say that?" one of them answered, smiling.
"we're different, right, eunwoo? we're not sluts like you." the other answered, her tone sounding different from before. i looked around at the wires and telephone poles, barely listening.
"yeah. we're not sluts!"
"it's different from that! it's true love." kyulkyung turned her head.
"you're really in love? wow."
"hey, what are you saying?" there was a slight pause, and i calmed down.
"hey, has eunwoo done it?"
"no way. she has me. right?" kyulkyung turned to me, smiling and holding onto my hand gently as we walked side by side. i nodded towards her. and then, once again, a gust of wind blew out of nowhere. i sprinted towards the nearest entrance, hiding in the corner of the wall and doorway. kyulkyung ran after me, confused. "eunwoo! come back!" she caught up to me, grabbing my arm gently. "it's okay, eunwoo."
"nothing bad is gonna happen, right!? we're gonna be okay, right!?" i panicked, grabbing kyulkyung's shoulders.
"it's okay. nothing will happen. i promise." she reassured me quickly. "it'll be okay." she looked at me fondly, hugging me. i hugged her back, crying into her shoulder while looking through the window of the doorway. the wind blew, but, still, nothing happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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