Chapter 1

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*This is before the first season, hope you guys enjoy this, I've tried to think this out as much as possible

Sebastian made his way into his young masters office with fresh Earl Grey on a cart. Upon entering he noticed a look of boredom on the lords face. "Good morning, young master, would you care for any tea?" Ciel glanced up, setting the paperwork he was currently looking at on his desk with a sigh. "Yes, any idea what's on the agenda for the day?" Sebastian set a cup of tea near the boy, standing up straight before answering the question. "You seem to have quite the day ahead of you, young master, starting with dance practices at 8, lunch with Lady Elizabeth at 12, then a meeting with the Scotland Yard at 2 and with that you will most likely be caught up with whatever your meeting consists of for the rest of the day." Rubbing his eyes before taking a long sip of his tea, Ciel stands and brushes off his coat. "Lets get started then shall we."

Ciel started his dance practices determined to do well this time. With Sebastian standing at the top of the staircase he began playing the violin, letting a hired dance teacher take the position of teaching Ciel the dance he'd been having a difficult time getting right. Though through observations Sebastian could point out a few flaws with the teachers moves as well. He watched the pair move along the floor, playing a beautiful tune effortlessly whilst thinking about what he would make for dinner or even when they would return for dinner. Hoping the meeting wouldn't take as long as they expect it to be. He had heard of a few mysterious deaths and dare he say he could just solve it himself and save the trouble of wasted time, though it was interesting to him to watch the struggle of their misjudgments, almost like watching a play. After two hours of Ciel's practice it was time to prepare for lunch with Lady Elizabeth.

Ciel waited in his quarters for Sebastian to return with his clothes after having a bath. While waiting he was only dreading hearing Lady Elizabeth's high pitched voice. "Master are you ready to be dressed?" Startled by Sebastian's silent entrance he turns around and nods his head with a roll of his eyes. "Of course." Came his reply. After he was dressed the two made their way outside to a ready carriage. Opening the door for his young master, Sebastian waited for him to get situated before closing the door and taking a seat himself at the front to navigate the horses himself.

Arriving at Lady Elizabeth's manor, they were making their way to the door when they hear her loud voice. "Cieeel!!" Ciel braced himself for her bone crushing hug. After finally making their way inside whilst listening to Elizabeth's rambling they were led to the dining table where they took a seat. "Sebastian, help Paula finish the preparation for the food." With a nod of his head Sebastian was about to step out of the room. "No, he doesn't have to Ciel, you probably work him to death!" Came Elizabeth's denial. "Please, Elizabeth, I insist." Ciel tried to argue. "I say no." Elizabeth demanded. Ciel only sighed, not wanting it to go any further. "Anyways Ciel, have you heard of all of the deaths around London lately? No one knows how they are dying, it's such a scary thing!" Ciel thought about what she was saying, guessing this was what the meeting with the Scotland Yard was going to be about. "They say there isn't any evidence that it could be a serial killer, maybe there's an incurable disease going around, oh I'm so scared just thinking about it!"

After hearing Elizabeth rant on for a few more moment's Paula finally arrived with the food. "Sorry for the late arrival everyone, I just could not get the plating right." Rushing to the table to set the plates in front of the two, Sebastian came over to take her place, dismissing her to the side. "It seems today you will be served nicely prepared Cassoulet and Quiche originated from France." Tasting the dishes the young master and misstress both sighed in content. "Very well done, Paula." Ciel complemented. "Thank you, Lord Phantomhive." Replied Paula with gratefulness. After eating Elizabeth insisted on Ciel staying in which he reluctantly agreed to. "Young master maybe you shouldn't act so sad when spending time with your fiance." "Sebastian I didn't ask for your opinion." Sitting back Sebastian only smiled coyly at his reply.

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