Laney Lamm was Totem's personal favorite human in their household, and she loved her much more than the other humans.
Laney and Totem were partners in crime, from breaking ceiling fans to scattering trash from the kitchen to the garage! Too much thought made both human and dog groan, and they loved to be around each other.
Totem and Tad were Chesapeake Bay Retrievers, known as chessies to their family. Although they were litter mates, Totem and Tad were complete opposites. Totem was known to be stubborn, smart, and thoughtful but daring. Tad was very submissive, and somewhat logical. He was always cautious around new people, and he always made sure the person was safe to be around.
Tad adored the baby of the Lamm family, Bobby. He and Bobby never ever got into such trouble like Totem and Laney did, and so they were always the first to be found innocent when somebody broke mom's vase or dad's golf club.
"What in the actual hell did you do, Totem?" Laney stared at Totem, as if expecting a response.
Totem did not care what belonged to who, so without thinking about Laney's "off-limits" rule in the back corner of her room, she destroyed Laney's collection of dolls. Decapitated doll heads rolled around on the floor, and Totem smiled at her mess. Totem the Tornado strikes again!
Tad and Bobby were playing quietly downstairs with their own collection of Beanie Babies. Bobby rolled his eyes when he heard Laney's infamous call, "MOOOOOOOOOOM!"
Totem ran downstairs to where the pair was playing.
"Why do you literally destroy everything?" Tad asked Totem.
"Why do you literally suck on everything?" Totem teased.
Tad simply looked away. He knew it wasn't worth arguing with Totem, because in Laney's eyes, Totem couldn't do anything wrong except ruin her expensive toys.
Bobby stared at the dogs who were looking deep into each other's eyes, and soon yelled, "Tad!". Tad jumped from the scare. He then continued to suck on his own Beanie Baby that Bobby oh so generously gifted to him.
"Laney, I told you to put her in the kennel. But no, of course you didn't because when do you listen?" their mom said.
Laney stomped into the living room and plopped onto the couch.
"What's up, loser." Laney said, grumbling.
Bobby looked away, because he knew arguing with Laney is simply never ending.
"Loser, dads home so I'm going to leave you and your babies to your stupid games." Laney abruptly got up and left.
"Wow! What an accomplishment! Laney actually looked with her eyes." Bobby joked.
Laney rolled her eyes.
"Yeah! And your pitiful dog stopped sucking on your toys! That's an accomplishment right there!"
Tad growled at the hysterical Totem, who seemed to benefit from Laney's comeback.
"Can't you just leave us alone?" Tad asked.
"Um, let me think about" Totem smirked.
His tail whacked the walls in delight as Laney stomped up the stairs with Totem at her heels.
"Tad, I wish you could talk. Then, I didn't have to go out and talk to the neighbors like mom makes me do. They're mean to me." Bobby cried.
But little did he know that Tad could speak, he just wasn't listening. Tad snuck beneath the arm of Bobby and began to drift off to sleep.
The quiet murmurs of faint voices could be heard around the house, and suddenly, Totem let out a screech. Another one of Laney's infamous mom calls could be heard, but this time she was frantic. Mom bounded up the steps, followed by Tad and Bobby.
Totem was wagging her now stunted tail, and a piece of tendon and tail was sticking out of Laney's doorway.
"My god!" their mom screamed.
Tad jumped at the sight, and Bobby reached behind to grab Tad. Just by sheer luck, Bobby fell backwards down the stairs.
Tad, who ran down the staircase, bounded back up, catching Bobby from possibly breaking a few bones. During the commotion, Laney scooped Totem and her dismembered tail up and ran down the stairs.
"Hurry up! We have to go to CottonWood vet NOW!" Laney yelled as she grabbed the keys.
Zipping the tail in the bag, she laid Totem down in the back seat, who was squirming and dripping blood everywhere. With the car started, their mom ran out and to the vet they went.
"It's not great, but she lost only an inch and a half. It won't affect her at all." Dr. Mondo said.
"Thank you, Doctor!" Laney gratefully thanked him.
Tad and Bobby anxiously awaited news in the car. Even though they sometimes hated Totem, they still were somewhat concerned.
"Tad, I'm worried about Laney." Bobby moaned to his dog.
Wishing he could speak out to his boy, Tad laid his head on his lap, keeping his gift a secret.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Will Totem be able to recover? Will Tad be able to keep the duo's speaking gift a secret from Bobby?
Be sure to check back for part 2 of
The Classic Dog
The Classic Dog
FantasyTwo dogs escape from their suburban home when a gate is accidentally kept open. The adventure is thrilling as Totem and Tad the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers attempt to find their home where beloved Laney and Bobby Lamm are waiting for the duo's return...