Chapter One.

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Toby awoke with the sound of the beds creaking in the old appartment building. This usually happened, all around the same time in the middle of the night. At least three a.m., Toby hoped, as he moved his hand up and rubbed his eyes.

Of course, one of his roomate's named Brian was awake. He had doctor's orders to take pain medicine if he had any unbearable pain shocks. The only reason that he was hurt was becuase of his broken back, and the sad sound of him whimpering and groaning as he pulled himself into the wheel chair. He had it to keep his back straight while it healed.

Toby looked over after rubbing his eyes, seeing the grey apartment walls filled him with joy. He looked around the room for the first time, he had fallen asleep on the way here and expected that he had been moved inside. The walls a soft shade of grey, with white fluffy pillows and a darker shade of grey sheets to match.
The veiw from the window was stunning, it right out to see the bright moon gleaming in the dark room. The stars twinkled as clouds slowly passed by, sending Toby into a spirling state of relaxment.

Toby remembered to check the time, it was three fourty-seven in the morning. He gave a sigh, which was collected into the ears of the other man awake in the room.

"What are you doing up?" Brian asked almost normally, exept his speech broke off into a quiet sob. He couldn't manage much longer with the pain, and even though Toby didn't recognize what pain felt like, he was starting to worry.

"I heard y-you getting up, I was right." Toby murmured back as he got up, the grey sheets tumbling to a mess on the floor as the underweight boy got up.
Tears flooded Brian's eyes, he should have known to go earlier to get the medicine, now he has to deal with being publicly embarrased and the insufferable pain.

The twitching boy dug through the medicine bag which was quite big since there was four people sharing this appartment housing room, and they all had several medications prescribed by their theropists and doctors.
He fished out Brian's bag, which was only a bit heavier than the other male's, excluding himself.
"All of them?" Toby asked quietly, trying to give Brian an encouraging smile.

Brian gave a weak nod, staring at Toby helplessly. If he moved his back to get them he would hurt more, also if he moved his arms it would tug. He was stuck with Toby giving it to him for now, literally.

Being quite taller than Brian while he was sitting was frankly funny to Toby, but he gave a look to Brian's wet face and watery eyes, decided against making jokes.
He slumped to his knees, taking the cup of water down with him as he dumped one pill from each white bottle. The capsules had a white side and a red side, much like every other medication the others had.

Toby slipped a pill into Brian's mouth, giving him the sweetest smile and soft eyes, making Brian crack a smile. He poured water into the other's mouth, who swallowed the medicine eagerly.
With a slight twitch when he recoiled with the cup of water, he dumped some on himself. But that didn't stop him, he was going to get Brian to have all his medicine fitst.

Once Brian had taken all he could, they both just had to wait for them to kick in.
"Is it helping?" Toby asked with the soft shaking of pill bottles as he shoved them back into the bag.

"Yeah.. thanks." Brian said, feeling less shy since Toby hadn't once commented on all the meds he had to take, nor laughing as water slipped out of his mouth.
He knew Tim was just trying to make him smile, but what helped Brian the most was being encouraging and soft. Both of those definitely fitted the smaller boy in front of him, to his soft bouncy brown hair and his cute little toes.

Toby caught Brian staring, and stuck his tounge out slightly as he walked back over, his feet making a thump as he walked on the wooden floor.
He hoisted the dark blonde up over his shoulder, wavering a bit since he hadn't held this weight since.. he last killed someone..

He brushed away the thought as he maneuvered Brian back onto his bed, humming soft lullabies as he covered him up with the fluffy blankets.

"Thank you for everything.." The other said with the cutest yawn, the meds were kicking in and soothing some pain as well as relaxing him.

"Of course.. n-now try to sleep." Toby said softly, brushing his fingers through Brian's smooth hair soothingly. The blonde's face flushed again, but he was quickly asleep. The brunette went for a quick bathroom break, admiring the seagull wallpaper with the sky blue background.
He drenched a blue towel in the sink before ringing it out, keeping it damp and cold. He went back to the bedroom, clicking the lights off behind himself.

Toby manipulated the towel until it was on Brian's forehead, covering as much area as possible. Then he walked over the wooden flooring, smiling to himself as he thought about Brian's smile. He was always happy to help, especially to see them go into a state of relaxed bliss afterwords.
He climbed into bed, trying to keep the sound down as the bed groaned in protest, until he got under the blankets and nuzzled in the pillows.

Toby soon drifted to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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