adopting lil'bub

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Lil'bub's POV

Hi I'm lil'bub.Today is adoption day.Oh sorry I didn't tell you my breed I'm a cat .OK back to adoption day I don't really get adopted because my tounge hangs out a lot(annoyed ).some people can't stand my tounge.You get used to it.When people walk by my shelter door and

Make a disgusted face.The same with my best Friend Larry.Larry has a crooked back and A tounge that hangs out just like me.He also has a bad memory. Here he comes now.

Larry's POV

Hi I'm larry lil'bub's friend .I don't really remember adoption day but lil 'bub told me

all about it.Me and lil 'bub have a lot in common we both love FALL OUT BOY.

Our favorite song by them is THE PHOENIX .


Oh no the shelter owner is coming in she might kick you Larry run!Oh just perfect

now I'm all alone (very annoyed). Oh look at the time it's adoption's.I dout I will

get adopted .

Connor's POV

I'm conner. And I'm obsessed with cats.So I thought I would get a cat . I looked and looked until I found a cat named lil'bub.But the shelter owner wouldn't let me get lil'bub because she thought I would bring him back because of his hanging out tounge.

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