Itchy Shirt

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"Bye Wendy, I'll see you tomorrow," I called out as she walked through the door.

It was 8:27 by the time the photo shoot officially ended and the sun already set. Shutting off the lights in the building, I submerged myself in an almost complete darkness. The only light sources around were the dim stars and a rickety old lamppost a few feet away.

Some crickets chirped and there was a stillness to everything making it feel serene. The crisp air lightly nipping my skin only added to the serenity I was feeling.

I stood there for a while and took in everything with a content smile. Moments later, I got into my car and drove towards my apartment.

As I drove down the street towards my apartment complex, I started to hear the muffled music coming from one of my neighbors.

Boom boom boom

I sighed and wondered what exactly I did to deserve such a shitty day. Today, I woke up 20 minutes later than I usually did, making me rush to get ready. Rushing, if you didn't know already, usually leaves me stressed out. Like, my-hair-is-turning-into-Einstein's-hair stressed.

It was just my luck too that my hair didn't want to cooperate on the day I was having a photo shoot. My hair was a bitch and kept on springing up even after a can of hair spray. 8 cans later, I've inhaled enough hair products to last me a life time and my hair finally was styled the way they wanted.

I'd describe to you guys the hair if only it wasn't an elaborate ass masterpiece.

After that, I was forced into this uncomfortable shirt. Sure, it would've been no problem if it was just for an hour or two since I'm so professional. But I wasn't wearing the shirt for only an hour or two. The photographer kept on yelling at me for not tilting my head the right way and for having a forced smile for 8 hours straight. I mean, it's not like anyone was cracking any jokes. Any joke would've worked. I laugh at Jin's dad jokes for gods sake

Now, there was my neighbor's music. Any chances of salvaging my shitty day was ruined.

There would've been a difference if his music - if you could even call the trash he listens to music - wasn't blaring all the time or the work of some 3 year old playing around on garage band.

You might be currently wondering was crawled up his ass and died. You're right, if I heard someone complain this much about their neighbor's music, I'd say someone got a branch shoved up their ass.

But any sane person would complain this much if someone kept blasting noise. Luckily, my neighbor cut down his daily parties to weekly events.

Maneuvering my way into the parking lot, I parked my car. I walked into the building, greeted the receptionist and walked up the stairs. Yup you heard me right, stairs.

Why would I subject myself to this torture, one may ask. Well, I need to do a little exercise for today since all I've done was stand in incredibly itchy pants.

I walked 13 flights of stairs to get to my apartment and was greeted by the sight of my roommate banging on our neighbor's door.

"Jin, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm trying to shut our damn neighbors up Chim," Jin replied.

I laughed at the futility of trying that. "Hyung, that's useless. I doubt they're going to hear you anyways"

Jin gave one last knock - more like punch - on the door and growled before sliding down the door.

" I just want to sleep," he cried, " and I can't because Jongin wants to party. These hooligans are making me UGLY AND IM LOOSING BEAUTY SLEEP"

All of the sudden, the music wasn't as muffled and Jin fell backwards. I looked up to see that someone had opened the door.

"Jimin, come in, party with us," Baekhyun shouted over the music, his words slurred and eyes unfocused.

I declined saying I was busy and asked if he could turn the volume down a bit before leaving. I doubt that'd happen though.

"Aish, those guys," Jin yelled in pure frustration while scratching at his head. He plopped down on our creme colored couch making the wrappers on it bounce up.

There was a thump on the wall shared between our's and Jongin's room.

" Those horny fuckers are gonna make a hole in the wall, pushing each other against it to make out," Jin continued, "Pardon my French though"

I sighed in agreement and walked into the kitchen wanting food. The kitchen that was usually impeccably clean was a mess like our couch. Wrappers were littered around and the counters were dusted over with flour.

As I stared at the mess, I heard Jin padding towards me.

When he saw what I was staring at, he stared to chuckle nervously, the murderous look replaced with a guilty smile. I then turned around with one eyebrow raised and gave him a questioning look.

Rubbing the back oh his neck, Jin said," Namjoon was over and-"

The moment I heard Namjoon was somehow involved with the mess, I cut him off, "No need to tell me details hyung,"

For all I know, the flour on the counters might be an NSFW substance that's highly illegal and the wrappers might have once held things that weren't just food.

He blushed and gave me a nervous smile," Let's order pizza. I'm too lazy to make anything and the kitchens a mess"

"Alright. We're ordering pineapple and bacon though,"

Jin opened his mouth and was about to argue when I gave him a knowing look and pointed to the kitchen. He quickly closed his mouth and nodded enthusiastically, his brown locks bouncing along.

"Absolutely we're ordering... that pizza," Jin smiled.

While he was smiling, his eyes were saying something else entirely. I'm going to kill you the next time we order pizza was what his eyes said.

I shuddered and hoped he wouldn't actually order a vegetable pizza.

"Hyung, you better order that pizza quick. You know how I get when I'm hungry," I call out.

Jin proceeded to mutter under his breath.

So umm, this is my first BTS fanfic. I hope it's okay and I hope you found it somewhat interesting.

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